10 simple home remedies for flu relief
10 simple home remedies for flu relief

One of the most common illnesses among both children and adults is the flu. Gaining control over its spread can be difficult, as it is a seasonal and viral infection. This can lead you to fall ill despite your best efforts at prevention. However, there is nothing to fret over as long as you stick to this list of home remedies that can make you feel better. Read along to find out how you can find flu relief right at home.

Hydration is one of the key and effective remedies that help attain the desired flu relief. In addition to keeping the mucus from thickening and lodging itself on the inside of the respiratory tract, it also helps flush the harmful microbes from the body. Hydration is also known as one of the highly effective remedies for sore throat. It is, therefore, necessary to gulp down the right number of glasses of water. However, the common 8 to 12 glasses of water might not be the right amount for some people with health conditions like congestive heart failure and diabetes. In such an event, patients should consult with their health care experts.

Steam is one of the best options for flu relief for people who want nothing more than to exist when they are inflicted with this condition. It is a surefire way of obtaining instant relief and catching a much-needed break from the congestion. If holding your head above a pot of boiling water does not match your criteria, try a steaming hot bath or a shower in its stead. The steam from the boiling hot water will help open up your sinuses and might even give you enough energy for the next thing on this list.

Warm fluids
As discussed earlier, drinking enough water is crucial for flu relief. But, after a certain point, water neither satiates your taste buds nor helps with the inflammation in the throat. In this case, opt for hot or warm fluids. Drinks like tea, coffee, herbal or green teas, and even hot chocolate work well. The temperature of these fluids helps provide some instantaneous relief from sore throat and congestion in the respiratory tract. It also helps thin down the mucus and relieve you from stuffiness.

Honey is widely used as an alternative for sugar, but it is also famous for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It works well as a natural remedy and provides flu relief. Consuming honey along with warm water or adding it to a cup of warm lemon tea gives you a tasty way to fight the flu. It also provides relief from the itching and dryness of the throat.

Saltwater gargles
Another easiest and effective natural remedy to help obtain cold and flu relief is a saltwater gargle. Gargling with warm water with added salt helps in fighting off congestion and provides relief from the stuffiness. But, what’s better is if followed regularly, this remedy also helps prevent cold and flu in the first place. Saltwater helps thin down the mucus and makes it easier to eliminate from the body.

Ginger has found its place in various useful and effective remedies in multiple conditions. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help relieve nasal congestion, cough, nausea, sore throat, and even fever. To make it more effective, try having a warm or hot cup of ginger tea to gain flu relief. All you need to do is add some thinly sliced ginger to a cup of water and let it simmer for a few minutes.

Garlic is a popular cooking ingredient that can be easily spotted in kitchens. It can be used to treat cold and flu. Like ginger, garlic also has antibacterial properties and also possesses antiviral qualities. This is because of the compound allicin, which is produced when the garlic undergoes the process of crushing and/or chopping. Experts suggest consuming raw garlic when it is freshly cut or chopped for maximum flu relief. However, if the strong taste on your tongue is not something you prefer, try adding it to your meals.

Vitamin C-rich foods
Vitamin C is one of the best and essential ingredients when it comes to health and immunity. It helps speed up the recovery process for flu patients, and in some cases, it might even help lower the frequency of catching these illnesses. Vitamin C is readily available, as it is present in most foods. Since it helps fight off most bacteria, viruses, and other toxins, it is reason enough to stock up on foods like avocados, lemons, and citrus fruits. You can even add a splash of lemon juice to your soups and teas, and it will miraculously help reduce phlegm production.

Probiotics have been gaining more and more popularity, thanks to their ability to make the gut a healthier place. Studies show that these healthy gut bacteria hold the ability to improve and strengthen the immune system. Foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, kombucha, and tempeh are rich sources of probiotics. Adding these foods to everyday meals will help provide flu relief and help reduce the intensity and severity of the viral disease.

Oregano is a rich source of antioxidants, and it also possesses antifungal and antibacterial qualities. The antibacterial compounds thymol and carvacrol in oregano help fight off the bacteria present in phlegm and mucus. It also helps provide the lungs relief from the congestion caused by the flu. Rubbing oregano oil on the chest can gain you some flu relief.

Apart from following these home remedies, a doctor may prescribe a vaccine for the flu. It is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of illness. Experts at healthcare companies closely monitor flu variants to create or modify the vaccine to be more effective. A company with successful clinical trials is Novavax, which one can read about in the news. The company receives this data from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS)12 and the European Centre for Disease Control’s (ECDC) European Influenza Surveillance Network (EISN).

The FDA approved Paxlovid® for managing moderate symptoms and preventing complications arising from respiratory disorders. Paxlovid® may trigger side effects like changes in taste, diarrhea, or high blood pressure. Some trials have even reported muscle aches among patients. There is also a slight risk of damage among those already struggling with liver problems. So, consulting a physician is advisable to understand these side effects and their impact on daily routine.

Foods to eat and avoid and home remedies for nasal polyps
Foods to eat and avoid and home remedies for nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are benign growths along the lining of the sinuses that result in a blockage, affecting airflow, which can cause breathing problems, apart from chronic inflammation. Also, various allergens are found in the environment and in foods that can result in nasal polyps. Avoiding exposure to these allergens can help reduce nasal polyps flareups. This can be done through changes in daily meals. Here are the foods to eat and avoid.

Foods to incorporate

Capsaicin is a naturally occurring component found in foods like a variety of peppers. It helps to relieve inflammation and open the nasal passages to stimulate better breathing and de-clog the congestion. It is one of the main elements in cayenne pepper and one of the best natural foods to help overcome sinus infections with nasal polyps. Doctors suggest making red cayenne pepper tea and drinking it a couple of times in the day to reduce flareups. Alternatively, capsaicin topical supplements or nasal sprays are also available as OTC (over-the-counter) or prescription medications. However, it is recommended to use the spray as per the doctor’s instructions.

Antioxidants like red onions, cherries, and cranberries
It has been observed that most nasal polyp growths result from the increasing levels of free radicals in the body. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants that fight the free radicals causing cell damage and help boost immunity. Regularly consuming foods rich in these antioxidants can help prevent the growth of nasal polyps. There are various options when it comes to foods rich in antioxidants like flavonoids and quercetin. Some foods include bright-colored vegetables like red onions, capers, and broccoli and fruits including apples, citrus fruits, red grapes, cherries, cranberries, and raspberries. These foods are also easy to incorporate into your daily meals, and hence they can prevent the risk of developing nasal polyps.

Rainbow foods like melons, mangoes, carrots, and spinach
Vitamins are crucial in protecting the membrane of the sinus lining. These nutrients are also a great source of antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent nasal polyps. Most bright-colored fruits and vegetables are full of essential vitamins, including A, C, E, and other beta carotenes that prevent oxidative stress and tissue damage. Popular veggies rich in vitamin C include spinach, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, turnip greens, squash, peas, and red peppers. Apart from this, fruits like limes, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, apricots, melons, cantaloupes, mango, berries, and guava can also help counter the oxidative stress leading to oxidative damage that contributes to the growth of nasal polyps.

Fatty fish, walnuts, mushrooms, and more
Fatty acids like omega-6 are harmful to health if in excess and must be avoided in daily meals. However, at the same time, it is important to include foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as it boosts immunity and counters inflammation. Doctors suggest inflammation is one of the primary triggers of nasal polyps, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can naturally ease this discomfort with minimal or no side effects. Fish, anchovies, halibut, mackerel, salmon, and sardines can be consumed for a more varied omega-3-rich diet. Apart from this, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, edamame, and kidney beans are vegetarian sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Selenium is another essential antioxidant that fights inflammation. It is abundantly found in foods like Brazil nuts, mushrooms, walnuts, certain types of red meat, and fish, including cod and halibut.

Staying hydrated is one of the most crucial factors for managing nasal polyps. Drinking plenty of fluids dilutes and loosens mucus, thereby preventing it from accumulating in the nasal passage. Mucus is one of the risk factors for developing nasal polyps as it attracts allergens that cause the same. So, staying hydrated can help prevent polyps. While staying hydrated, make sure to stick to water and avoid indulging in carbonated and flavored beverages.

Foods to avoid
Nasal polyps cannot be prevented by simply eating the right foods, but you also have to eliminate certain foods from your daily meals. This can remove or at least reduce the risk of allergens that cause nasal polyps to develop inside the sinuses. Doctors recommend refraining from indulging in the following foods and beverages to prevent the same.

Dairy products, eggs, soy, and gluten
Allergens increase the risk of developing nasal polyps, and certain foods can cause these flareups. Foods like soy, gluten, eggs, dairy, and yeast products are some of the top triggers of nasal polyps.

Canned veggies and other processed foods
These contain allergens in the form of additives and preservatives that may result in inflammation. Additives and preservatives are useful for prolonging the shelf life of foods. Processed foods such as canned vegetables, meats, and carbonated beverages must be avoided. It is best to avoid all allergen triggers and switch to organic substitutes that are benzoate, glutamate, and sulfite-free food items.

Home remedies for further relief
While there are foods to include and avoid in daily meals, some home remedies can provide relief from nasal polyps.

Nasal irrigation
The technique of nasal irrigation is typically done by using a Neti pot and proves to be quite an effective sinus-relieving remedy. The water helps remove the excess dirt and mucus accumulating in the nasal passage and reduces the risk of nasal polyps, thereby opening the airways.

Lukewarm saltwater
Lukewarm water mixed with salt can help clean the nasal area reducing the polyp’s growth. This can be passed through the nasal passages with the help of a Neti pot.

10 foods that help lower blood sugar naturally
10 foods that help lower blood sugar naturally

Problems with insulin production or function can cause a person’s blood sugar levels to shoot up. This can, in turn, lead to several other health issues. Hence, people with high blood sugar need to use medications from time to time and follow a strict routine. However, besides medicines, there are also several other ways to manage the problem. Here’s a list of foods that help lower blood sugar naturally.

Low-carb items
An easy way to prevent blood sugar spikes is to avoid carbohydrates. The reason being that the human body typically breaks down carbs into sugar (glucose). Unfortunately, for those with diabetes, insulin production is hampered. As a result, excess glucose is not digested, and it continues to build up in the blood, increasing blood sugar levels. The best way to tackle this problem is to avoid high-carb items like bread, potatoes, and corn and go for low-carb meals instead.

High-fiber foods
While carbohydrates spike blood sugar levels instantly, fibers do the opposite. They are hard to break down, meaning they slow down carb digestion and, thus, the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This leads to a gradual increase in blood sugar rather than a sudden spike. There are two types of fibers: soluble and insoluble. Studies have shown that soluble fibers, such as oats, carrots, and barley, can improve blood sugar management substantially, especially in type 2 diabetes.

Low-GI foods
Glycemic index, or GI, is a value assigned to foods based on how quickly or slowly they cause blood sugar levels to rise. Foods are measured on a scale of 0 to 100, and the lower they are on the scale, the slower they tend to release glucose into the body. Low-GI foods also aid weight management and are perfect for those with pre-diabetes or diabetes. However, a low GI value is not all that matters. The foods should also be low in carbs and sugar and rich in fiber.

Whole grains
Whole grains like buckwheat, barley, rye, and corn are high in fiber and can also help lower blood sugar naturally. Most of them have a low GI score as well. However, most whole grains could have high amounts of carbohydrates, so checking with a doctor before adding them to everyday meals is essential. According to a particular research study, men who had meals made up of many whole grains saw a 34% decreased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Oats and oatmeal are excellent for those with diabetes. Not only do they have a low GI value of 55, but they also contain B-glucans. These are natural chemical compounds that help digest glucose and even improve the response of insulin after meals, thus lowering blood sugar. However, one must avoid instant oatmeal or sugar-laden options as they can spike sugar levels. Furthermore, it should be had in moderation for the best results.

Studies have shown a link between cinnamon and lower levels of blood sugar in the body. This could be because it helps lower the resistance to insulin in those who have diabetes. Having around five grams of cinnamon every day reduces glucose levels, especially in type 2 diabetes. However, it is best to check with the doctor before including cinnamon in the daily meals.

Fenugreek is another food that is highly effective to lower blood sugar naturally. This is because it is high in soluble fiber that helps slow down the digestion of carbohydrates. This, in turn, slows down the absorption of sugar in the body. Interestingly, multiple studies have been conducted to understand how fenugreek can treat diabetes.

Fatty fish
Fish is a valuable source of protein. It also contains tons of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. But what many do not know is that fish also helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body. How? The protein in fish helps slow the digestion process, preventing post-meal spikes. It also makes one feel full, which allows them to exercise portion control. In addition, fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help with several other health conditions.

Most nuts have a GI score of 55 or lower. They also contain loads of vitamins, plant proteins, and unsaturated fatty acids, making them the perfect snack item. Aside from this, nuts can also help keep blood sugar levels in check. However, to ensure one gets the best results, they should opt for unprocessed nuts rather than those with flavors and coatings. Those with diabetes can snack on nuts when hungry or even crush them and sprinkle them on salads.

Legumes like chickpeas, lentils, soya beans, and kidney beans have a low GI score. They are also high in protein and contain tons of fiber that help keep blood sugar in check. In addition, they also contain minerals like magnesium and potassium that have a host of other health benefits; for instance, they regulate blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease. One cup of legumes every day can help manage the condition.

When it comes to lowering blood sugar naturally, eating the right foods is crucial. However, patients should also implement portion control. Portion control can help control weight and lower calorie intake. Studies have shown that weight management helps manage blood sugar levels and also reduces the risk of diabetes in the long run. Individuals can use smaller plates, weigh portions, and maintain a food journal to manage portion sizes.

Bladder incontinence: 10 foods to eat and avoid
Bladder incontinence: 10 foods to eat and avoid

Urinary incontinence, known as bladder incontinence, is a condition wherein an individual has insufficient control over their bladder muscles, leading to involuntary leakage. Such leakage may occur when one is coughing, sneezing, or even laughing. The severity of the condition may vary from person to person, ranging from mild issues with bladder control to complete urinary incontinence. Thus, it is important to take the necessary steps to manage the condition.

Foods that help with bladder incontinence

There are several food products that can be added to your meals in order to ease some of the symptoms of the condition. Some of the foods that help in managing urinary incontinence are as follows:

Whole grains
Consuming whole grains, such as beans and legumes, in larger proportions is said to be highly beneficial for people experiencing urinary incontinence. This category of foods includes quinoa, rice black beans, split peas, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, and oats. These options are extremely fiber-rich, which is effective in keeping the symptoms under control.

It can be really advantageous to add plenty of healthy carbohydrates to your everyday meals. Bread is an excellent source of fibers as well as good carbohydrates. These provide the body with energy and also help in strengthening the bladder muscles. Adding healthy carbohydrates to your routine will aid in maintaining regular bladder and bowel movements. Plus, it will help you to have better control over your bladder muscles.

Nuts, such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc., are all known to be incredibly rich in proteins, healthy fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and fibers. These nutrients help in strengthening the muscles of the bladder, and thus, help in developing better bladder control.

Fruits and vegetables
One of the best ways to check if you are deriving enough nutrition from your meals is to ensure that your plate is colorful. This means each meal should contain lots of green vegetables as well as healthy fruits. This enables you to get the essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants, which are required by the body to repair old and worn-out cells and slow down the process of aging. However, make sure not to consume too many citrus fruits since these are highly acidic and can cause irritation to the inner linings of the urinary bladder. Therefore, it is recommended to include foods like broccoli, sweet potatoes, apples, and bananas in your routine, but avoid foods like oranges and tomatoes.

Eggs are a great food option for a variety of reasons. They are also considered to be the least irritating food for people suffering from urinary incontinence. Moreover, eggs are rich sources of proteins that play an important role in the proper functioning of our bodies.

Contrary to what people might think, drinking less water is not the solution to manage symptoms of bladder incontinence. In fact, drinking the right amount of water allows your muscles to strengthen and get used to working hard throughout the day to control the urge to urinate. Hydration is one of the most important factors to be considered when it comes to maintaining the health of the urinary tract and excretory system. It is important to ensure that you are drinking at least 8 to 12 glasses of water in a day since it helps flush out the toxins in the body.

Lean meats, including chicken, fish, and shellfish, are rich in healthy fatty acids, which are essential for the body. These non-acidic foods contain monounsaturated fats, which are said to have a calming effect on the bladder and can help prevent any irritation or inflammation of the bladder wall.

Foods to avoid when experiencing bladder incontinence

Aside from adding these foods to your routine, there are certain foods that must be avoided when managing symptoms of bladder incontinence. These tend to aggravate not just the symptoms of the condition but can lead to other health problems too. Some of these items are described as follows:

Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages, such as club sodas and sparkling water, are said to be connected to the symptoms of an overactive bladder. These beverages contain chemicals that can irritate the urinary bladder, which may lead to problems pertaining to urine incontinence. Moreover, as opposed to regular water or other non-fizzy drinks, carbonated beverages are said to cause increased urination since they suppress the effect of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

As most people are aware, caffeine can be harmful to the system if consumed in larger quantities. The stimulant is said to cause water retention in the body, which often leads to frequent urination and can also obstruct your bowel movements. Moreover, caffeine acts as an irritant to the bladder, which then results in getting the frequent urge to urinate. When a person is experiencing symptoms of urinary bladder incontinence, it is important to avoid consuming caffeinated beverages to prevent any unwanted accidents from occurring.

Acidic foods
Certain foods, such as tomatoes or citrus fruits like pineapples, oranges, kiwis, and lemons, are known to be highly acidic. These foods not only irritate your bladder but also increase the amount of water retention in the body, which can lead to frequent urination and an overactive bladder. Additionally, even though cranberries are known to be useful in preventing urinary tract infections, the fruit can worsen your incontinence symptoms.

You can also try these medications to manage the symptoms of overactive bladder.

This prescription medication is administered as oral tablets in adults to treat overactive bladder. It relaxes the smooth muscles that surround the bladder. MYRBETRIQ also enables the bladder to fill up adequately, thus increasing urine storage.

Vibegron is from a class of medications called beta-3 adrenergic agonists. The oral prescription medication must be taken once daily with or without food, based on your doctor’s instructions. While it does not cure OAB, Vibegron has shown significant progress with regards to managing the condition’s symptoms.

An FDA-approved oral treatment option, GEMTESA® contains vibegron as its primary component. It is used to address issues of an overactive bladder. Beta-3 receptors activated by vibegron play an important role in the prevention of bladder contractions. GEMTESA® as an overactive bladder treatment option helps decrease the number and frequency of bathroom visits. However, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before taking it.

Natural remedies to get rid of flea infestation
Natural remedies to get rid of flea infestation

A flea infestation can be extremely frustrating. Fleas are difficult to get rid of and their bites can cause allergies. Additionally, using chemicals to get rid of fleas may cause problems for humans and pets. As a result, most switch to natural remedies, as they are safe and effective.

Herbal spray
Pest control services use chemical sprays to kill fleas that can be risky for humans and pets. You can instead prepare a herbal spray that is safe and effective.

Some lemon juice can be boiled to create a spray solution. Moreover, witch hazel can be added to the spray to increase its effectiveness. This spray should be used all over your home since fleas can hide in corners, especially in your pet’s bedding. This spray smells nice and doesn’t have any side effects.

Citronella oil
Citronella oil can be mixed with tea tree and lemongrass oil to create a solution. Citronella is known to destroy fleas. This solution can be used to clean the entire house with the help of a mop. If this is done frequently, it can help get rid of fleas completely.

Diatomaceous earth
Diatoms are a type of algae. The microscopic remains of the algae are called diatomaceous earth. While one is a commercial-grade alga, the other food grade. If you want to use it at home to get rid of fleas, you should use the food-grade one to avoid side effects.

The powder should be sprinkled in all areas where fleas could be hiding. The powder kills fleas and their eggs as well.

Dish soap
In a plate, add dish soap and place a candle in the center. Leave this in the room that is infested with fleas. The fleas would get attracted to the candle and fall into the soapy solution and die.

Vacuum the house
After you have used any of the treatments mentioned above, you should vacuum your house thoroughly. Vacuuming helps get rid of dead fleas, eggs, and larvae.

A thorough vacuuming has to be done in every corner of the house. Salt can be used to dehydrate the fleas and kill them. Additionally, the vacuum bag must be taken away from the house and disposed off, as it would contain eggs.

Hot wash
Bedsheets, curtains, mats, and other clothes where fleas may settle must be washed in hot water. This would kill the fleas and the eggs. This is one of the first things to be done to treat a flea infestation naturally.

Treat pets
Pets must also be treated by bathing them with mild detergent and salt. Regular combing with a flea comb can help remove fleas from pets.

These natural remedies must be tried at home to get rid of flea infestation. These remedies are safe, natural, and do not cause problems for pets or children.

Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease
Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease

Since Crohn’s disease directly affects the digestive tract and causes irritation and discomfort in the alimentary canal, people suffering from this disease should take primary care of their regular diet. The amount of food consumed, the calorie intake, and many other factors should be taken into consideration when suffering from this condition. In certain cases, the symptoms could get worse if one fails to maintain a healthy diet.

What is Crohn’s disease?
Crohn’s disease is both rare and life-threatening. It is a chronic disease which requires long-term medical attention and is mostly incurable. It results in inflammation of the intestines and might be accompanied by scarring of the inner intestinal lining. It can occur in any part of the intestine; however, the colon of the large intestine and ileum of the small intestine are prone to get affected more easily. The condition often lasts for years but can be lifelong for some people. Crohn’s disease may also result in ulcers in the inner lining as well as fistulae, which is extremely painful. Laboratory testing, as well as abdominal imaging, helps detect the disease.

Foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease
Since Crohn’s disease is not easy to cure, people suffering from it are advised to take thorough care of their diet. Junk food should be strictly avoided.

Some of the foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease are:

  • De-caffeinated drinks and beverages
    If you suffer from Crohn’s disease, caffeine should be avoided as much as possible. These include coffee, tea, flavored sodas, etc. Additionally, one should only consume drinks with low sugar or zero added sugar content so that they do not experience sudden flare-ups.
  • Peeling fruits and selective fruits
    People with Crohn’s disease have a restricted fruit diet and can only consume the ones with low fiber content. Thus, one can have ripe watermelons, ripe bananas, canned or packaged fruits with zero sugar (avoid berries), peeled apples, etc. Juices without pulp content are also recommended as they ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease.
  • Protein-rich foods
    Proteins mostly include thoroughly cooked meat or poultry, which can be easily digested without trouble. One can also have soybean or other soy foods, hard-boiled eggs, and cooked fish.
  • Low-fiber veggies
    Low-residue vegetables are the best food types to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. These include potatoes, pumpkin, brinjal, asparagus, etc. One can also have vegetable juice without any pulp. Primary care should be taken to avoid vegetables with seeds.
  • Wrap up
    Among foods to ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease, no-seed fruits and vegetables and low or zero-sugar packaged or canned products are highly recommended. Though dairy products can be consumed, it is not directly recommended since most patients have episodes of flare-ups after consumption of dairy products.
List of foods that naturally whiten the teeth
List of foods that naturally whiten the teeth

Teeth begin to turn yellow with age. But, some simple ways can help you in retaining the white color of your teeth. There are numerous tooth whitening kits available in your nearest medical store. But, most of these are chemical-based products, which bleach your teeth.

If you want to whiten the teeth and at the same time want to avoid chemicals, you should intake foods that whiten teeth naturally say no to red wine, dark berries, and black coffee. Here is a list of 10 such foods that whiten teeth naturally.

Strawberries are known as the most efficient natural tooth whitener. They are the storehouse of malic acid, which is a natural astringent that prevents tooth discoloration. No matter how you eat them, cereal, salad or dessert, strawberries will ensure that you always own a brighter smile. You can even mash strawberries and use them as toothpaste as they are counted as one of the top foods that whiten teeth naturally.

Seeds and nuts
Most of the seeds and nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews or sunflower seeds have an abrasive texture. This abrasive texture works as a stain remover of your teeth and naturally whiten them.

Ignore its breath. Onions are the prime source of sulfur. The sulfur compounds available in onions keep plaque from forming on your teeth. Keep in mind that the anti-plaque powers of onion work when you eat them raw.

The loud crunch of apple helps in strengthening your teeth. Further, its high-water content increases the production of saliva. While eating an apple, this washes away the bacteria and leads to discoloration of teeth.

Baking soda
Baking soda works almost similar to a bleaching agent. You can switch to baking soda instead of your regular toothpaste to brush your teeth in the morning. It efficiently scrubs off plaque and surface stains of your teeth. Thus, baking soda is one of the key foods that whiten teeth naturally.

Carrot and celery
Like other veggies, carrot and celery carry high water content. This usually washes away food debris in addition to strengthening your gums.

They are high in fiber. Broccoli and other similar high-fiber and coarse foods scrub your teeth. Make a point to include such foods in your meal to whiten the teeth. You can toss them as a quick salad as well.

Hard cheese is a great source of calcium, which helps in strengthening your gums. Further, casein, another milk protein found in cheese helps in preventing loss of minerals from your tooth enamel and helps to whiten teeth naturally.

Orange and pears
The flesh of orange helps in neutralizing the acid available in your mouth. These acids are known for causing decay of your teeth. Pears are also known for the same properties.

Dairy products
Dairy products such as milk and yogurt contain lactic acid and the enamel-fortifying mineral calcium. They work towards whitening your teeth; in addition to strengthening them.

How lifestyle changes help in improving psoriatic arthritis
How lifestyle changes help in improving psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation. The symptoms of this condition are generally stiffness, pain, and swelling in the joint which can flare up or subside. It is common among those who suffer from this type of arthritis to wake up with morning stiffness.

It is a condition that can be treated with medication and lifestyle changes but cannot be cured permanently. It is a chronic condition that can even last a lifetime. While doctors administer various treatments, lifestyle changes can help improve psoriatic arthritis to a large extent.

Here are the lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis:


Stress plays a very important role in triggering arthritis flare-ups. Learning to manage your day-to-day stress can keep your symptoms away. You need to first identify the reasons for stress in your day-to-day life and then understand how you can deal with it.

Stress management varies from person to person. Once you understand what works best for you, this would be one of the best lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis.


The food you eat plays a vital role in psoriatic arthritis triggers and the healing process. Here are some of the food groups that you must consume while avoiding others regularly.

Anti-inflammatory omega-3:

  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Olive oil
  • Flaxseeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Avocados
  • Nuts

Fruits and vegetables with high antioxidants:

  • Nuts
  • Dark berries
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Dark chocolate
  • Dried ground spices
  • Coffee and tea

High-fiber foods:

  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Corn
  • Wild and brown rice

Here is a list of foods that you need to stay away from when you have psoriatic arthritis:

  • Red meat
  • Diary
  • Processed foods

Some of the best diets that can be followed when you have psoriatic arthritis are:

  • Gluten-free diet
  • Paleo diet
  • Mediterranean diet

Following the right diet along with physical activity will help you maintain a healthy weight and keep the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis at bay.


Smoking is extremely dangerous to patients who have psoriatic arthritis. Smokers are not as responsive to any of the treatments for psoriatic arthritis. Along with quitting the habit of smoking, reducing alcohol is another lifestyle change that can help improve psoriatic arthritis.


It is very important to move regularly and keep your joints from becoming stiff. Water-based exercises are recommended for any type of arthritis. Apart from these exercises, a physical therapist will help determine the best exercises for you based on your condition, stage, and type of arthritis.

Once you make these lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis, you will have fewer symptoms and you can lead a normal, happy life. The treatment for psoriatic arthritis includes medication that can reduce the inflammation, steroid injections, and in serious cases, surgery to replace the joint. These treatments are found to be effective only when lifestyle changes that can help improve psoriatic arthritis are made.

5 home remedies to treat a flea infestation on pets
5 home remedies to treat a flea infestation on pets

If you have a dog or cat at home, you’d be familiar with a flea infestation in your house. It can get very difficult to contain flea infestation once their growth gets out of control, but there are several home remedies to treat flea infestation effectively. The best part about these remedies is that they are natural and chemical-free. The mentioned home remedies to treat flea infestation are very effective in getting rid of infestations that are bothersome to your pets:

  • Boric acid: Boric acid is great at getting rid of fleas from your home, and it is available in powder form. You can spread this powder over the carpets, under the furniture, and also on the furniture. The results of this home remedy can be seen in a few days. Boric acid is not toxic and does not leave any residue either. In case there are toddlers around, you need to be extra careful about them coming in contact with the powder. It is best to vacuum once a week after applying boric acid as vacuuming also helps get rid of the flea debris or rogue eggs.
  • Natural flea collars: A natural flea collar can be used for your pet to ward off fleas. You can either make your own natural flea collar or buy one from the market. For a DIY natural flea collar, you can buy a nylon collar or a cotton pet collar. A teaspoon of vodka mixed with a drop of geranium or cedarwood oil can be applied on the collar. Alternately, you can mix vodka with one drop of eucalyptus oil, one drop of thyme oil, and one drop of lemongrass oil and apply it to the collar. You should refresh the collar on a weekly basis or once the smell fades.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider, applied topically or given orally, is one of the most effective home remedies to treat a flea infestation. Spraying unfiltered apple cider mixed with water on your pet’s coat keeps fleas away. In case your pet does not like the smell or cannot tolerate the spray, combing your pet’s coat with a comb dipped in this solution also helps. Adding 2 tablespoons of apple cider to your pet’s drinking water is a great way to get rid of fleas from the inside.
  • Lemon spray: This is another great home remedy to treat a flea infestation. Cut a lemon into quarters, pour boiling water over it, and let it steep overnight. Use this as a spray on your pet’s coat, especially around the ears, under the legs, and at the base of the tail. Never use citrus essential oil, as it might be dangerous for your pet.
  • Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil, another effective home remedy to treat a flea infestation, can help if you simply leave open its jars around your house.

In addition to these easy home remedies, there are other options available to protect your pet from a flea infestation. Certain medications are known to be highly effective in permanently keeping fleas and ticks away. Listed below are three such medications one can consider:

  • NexGard
    NexGard is a chewable medication to rid your dog of fleas and ticks. Your pet will surely enjoy the beef-flavored formula. It is an FDA-approved solution to itchy pests. The oral chew is effective against three types of ticks: the American dog tick, the Lone Star tick, and the black-legged tick. If you are about to use it for your pet, remember to carry a prescription from your vet.
  • Simparica Trio
    Simparica Trio is another reliable chewable medication useful for pups aged 8 weeks or more. Comprising moxidectin, pyrantel pamoate, and sarolaner, Simparica Trio chewables are also effective against roundworms, hookworms, and heartworm disease. The medicine has been approved by the FDA, and you only need to give it to your dog once a month. Tests confirm that the effects of this oral medication can be seen in eight hours.
    If monthly tablets seem like too much work to you, Bravecto is a great replacement option. Effective for a period of 12 weeks, this is another oral chewable pill that has the FDA’s approval. This effective chewable saves you from the hassle of remembering to administer one every month. It can be used against the Lone Star tick, American dog tick, Deer tick, as well as the brown dog tick. It is safe to use in dogs 6 months or older weighing 4.4 pounds or above.
    APOQUEL® (oclacitinib tablet) is a medicine prescribed to deal with an allergic itch in dogs. It may be effective for food allergies, atopic dermatitis (AD), contact allergies, and even flea allergies. Upon consumption, signs of itch relief may be recorded within four hours, and there may be a reduction of allergic itches within 24 hours. The prescription medicine may also be effective in reducing long-term itch and skin inflammation. It can be administered to dogs that are 12 months of age or older.
Use These 5 Home Remedies to Treat Eczema
Use These 5 Home Remedies to Treat Eczema

Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a skin condition that results in red and itchy skin. This skin condition is common in children, but it can occur at any age. Chronic eczema can flare periodically and can be accompanied by fever and asthma. It has a wide range of symptoms including dry, red, and itchy skin; small, raised bumps that leak fluid when scratched, and thickened and cracked skin. The symptoms usually appear before the age of 5 and can persist in adolescence and even adulthood.

Apart from taking medications and treatments prescribed by dermatologists and doctors, there are home remedies that can be used to treat mild to moderate symptoms of eczema. Some of these are mentioned below:

  • Bleach
    Bleach has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which can help in improving eczema symptoms. It is known to kill S aureus, a type of bacteria that causes staph infection on the surface of the skin. It also helps in restoring microbiomes on the skin surface. Dermatologists recommend using half a cup of bleach in a tub full of water. You can soak yourself for up to 10 minutes, and then rinse it thoroughly with warm water. Gently pat the skin dry and apply moisturizer to avoid itchy skin.
  • Aloe Vera gel
    The gel is derived from the leaves of the aloe plant. It has been in use for centuries to treat a number of ailments, one of which is eczema. Aloe Vera gel contains antibacterial, antimicrobial, wound-healing, and immune-boosting properties that can prevent skin infections. Aloe Vera gel can be purchased from a pharmacy or it can be extracted directly from the leaves of the aloe plant. Make sure to check the gel bought from the store as it can have drying ingredients and preservatives that can worsen the eczema symptoms.
  • Coconut oil
    It contains healthy fatty acids that can lock the skin moisture and prevent it from getting dry. Virgin coconut oil also protects the skin from inflammation, thereby preventing the symptoms of eczema. The oil can be applied directly to the skin several times during the day, or you can apply it before going to bed, to keep the skin moisturized overnight. Several studies showed that coconut oil has better results than mineral oil when it comes to treating eczema.
  • Colloidal oatmeal
    Colloidal oatmeal is made from oats that have been ground and boiled to extract its skin-healing properties. Colloidal oatmeal lotion contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can provide relief from the symptoms of eczema including itch intensity, skin dryness, scaling, and roughness. Dermatologists recommend adding colloidal oatmeal to a warm bath and soaking in for five to 10 minutes. Make sure to avoid using oatmeal with additives and fragrances as they can worsen eczema symptoms.
  • Dietary changes
    This is one of the important home remedies that can provide relief from the symptoms of eczema. Including anti-inflammatory foods such as fish, leafy greens, beans and lentils, turmeric and cinnamon in your diet can reduce eczema symptoms. Eliminating or limiting foods such as dairy, eggs, soy, and wheat can further reduce inflammation due to eczema.