• Follow these guidelines to maintain prostate health Follow these guidelines to maintain prostate health

    Good food and proper nutrition are beneficial in reducing the risk of developing diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, obesity, and prostate cancer. One third of adults die of cancer in the country. A healthy diet enhances the immune system and increases the energy levels, which facilitates in recovery from diseases.

    It is important to maintain a healthy diet if you want to lower the risk of developing prostate cancer. Here are some guidelines you can follow to maintain the health of your prostate. Your diet should contain plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in fiber but low in fat, and the intake of sugar should be largely reduced.

    For prostate health
    Fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins, inflammation-reducing substances, natural fiber, minerals, polyphones, and antioxidants. Many people do not consume enough fruits and vegetables and a change in the way you eat is required by including a variety of vegetables and fruits. These should include cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli, which contain phytochemicals that help reduce oxidative stress. Carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, pomegranate, grapes, grapefruit are citrus fruits and can be included in one’s diet to manage prostate health.

    A research group has linked prostate cancer with lycopene, which is an antioxidant, and its consumption reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Lycopene is found in tomatoes, tomato products, and red vegetables and fruits.

    Reduce the intake of animal products like dairy products, animal fat, and red meat – lamb, pork, and beef. They are tied to the development of prostate cancer.

    Eating soya in the form of soy milk, edamame, tempeh, and tofu is known to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. It is known to contain isoflavones, which is a plant compound/phytochemical. Since soy intake is high in Asian countries, the incidence of prostate cancer is very low in Asia.

    Try to consume plant protein, such as nuts, flax, and beans that contain lignans and quercetin, which suppress the development of some types of cancers, including prostate cancer.

    Green tea is known for its goodness that comes from flavonoids.

    Whole grains like quinoa, farro, millet, kasha, bulgar, barley, corn, oatmeal, and brown rice are full of protein, magnesium, and fiber. Choose whole grain products than processed ones.

    Reduce the intake of carbonated drinks that are sugary. An increase in the intake of drinking water will help improve metabolism and eliminate cancer-causing substances from the body. Go for organic foods that are free from chemicals and pesticides.

    A good healthy diet helps you to recover from cancer treatment and prevents recurrence. Reducing your weight also reduces the risk of cancer. Obese men have four times the chances of having cancer spread beyond the prostate. Prostate cancer treatment affects the eating habits and you may find it difficult to eat — this is when you should take the help of a dietitian who will make sure you get proper nutrition.

  • Effective Remedies for Peyronie’s Disease Effective Remedies for Peyronie’s Disease

    Peyronie’s disease is caused by repeated injury to the penile region either during sex or other activities. In this condition, a fibrous scar tissue is present inside the penis that causes it to bend in a particular way such that it makes the erection very painful. However, it should not be confused with other types of erections, such as a curved erection. Not all types of curved erection lead to the development of Peyronie’s disease. Men who face this disease may face trouble having intercourse.

    However, there are different types of treatment options and remedies available for treating Peyronie’s disease. Some of the popular remedies have been listed as follows.

    Remedies for Peyronie’s disease
    With certain treatment options and proper and timely consultation, one can manage Peyronie’s disease effectively. The following pointers are some of the most commonly recommended remedies for this condition.

    Use of medicines
    A doctor may recommend certain kinds of medicines for managing the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease. The medication will aid in breaking down of any build-up of collagen in the penis. This will help in straightening the penis to an extent.

    Iontophoresis is yet another of the recommended Peyronie’s disease remedy option. This is a process by which an electric current, which is weak in nature, helps in delivering the medicines through the skin. This also helps in controlling the curving of the penile muscles, thus helping in straightening it even though for a short duration.

    Changes in lifestyle
    Doctors often recommend certain changes in one’s lifestyle of the patient as a remedy for Peyronie’s disease. The disease in various cases has been observed to be the result of an erratic lifestyle. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with occasional cheat-days is often advised by medical professionals. This is a small step which can go a long way if followed sincerely. Quitting smoking and alcohol and following the combination of a healthy diet with a regular workout can be a great head start in such cases.

    Surgery is the last and final resort that is used to treat this condition. It is done only in cases where people have a severe deformity of the penis. It is always recommended that one waits at least a year before deciding to undergo a surgery only after consultation with a medical professional.

    Natural remedies for Peyronie’s disease
    There are various kinds of natural remedies one can try if they do not want to take any kinds of medications or undergo surgery. Some great natural remedies for Peyronie’s disease include the following:

    Gotu Kola tea: Gotu Kola is an herb that is used in various Asian countries to treat conditions like sexual issues and psoriasis. It helps in dealing with the symptoms experienced with Peyronie’s disease. This herb is mostly available in capsules and tinctures.

    Pineapples: Pineapples contain Bromelain. Bromelain is a type of compound which helps in the digestion of protein. By taking Bromelain, one can reverse or just slow down the tissue build up that is found when affected by Peyronie’s disease. One can consume around 80 to 320 mg of Bromelain, 3 times a day. It is also not advised to take Bromelain for periods longer than 8–10 days at a stretch.

    Foods that are rich in carnitine and L-arginine: Fish, meat, and milk are very rich in carnitine, while red meat, poultry, and dairy products are rich in L-arginine. These will help provide more protein to the body.

    Whole grains, fishes, and liver: With the help of these foods, the body will be getting the required dose of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). This is a potent antioxidant and is really helpful for patients who are suffering from Peyronie’s disease, as it helps by transforming food into energy.

    Take in large amounts of vitamin E: About 100mg of vitamin E for almost 3 times a day for four months straight can help relieve the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease. Sources of vitamin E include almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, and so on. One can consider vitamin E supplements as well; however, one should consult a doctor before taking any supplements.

    It is not always easy to treat a disease like Peyronie’s disease. It requires plenty of hard work and patience from the one affected by it. One also needs to get the right kind of advice and recommendations to help manage this disease effectively. Surgery is always the last resort; however, before one makes up their mind to undergo a surgery, it is advisable to go through the important remedies mentioned and see if they help provide relief from this condition. However, it is always recommended that one should consult their doctor before starting any treatment method on their own. One’s doctor will help them choose the correct treatment method so that they can enhance their quality of life with this condition.

  • A Guide to Dust Mite Allergy and its Symptoms A Guide to Dust Mite Allergy and its Symptoms

    Have you ever imagined that a bug that is not visible to the naked eye could cause serious allergic reactions? Dust mites that can only be seen through a microscope can cause allergies that may even lead to breathing difficulties! Belonging to the tick and spider family, dust mites can be found in warm and humid environments.

    Common places at home where these mites thrive are bedding, soft toys, upholsteries, and carpeting. These microscopic creatures feed on dead skin. On an average, around one and a half grams of skin is shed every day by an adult human. This is the best food for dust mites. A runny nose and sneezing fits are common dust mite allergy symptoms. Long-term exposure to these mites may result in asthma and sinus infections.

    What is a Dust Mite Allergy?
    Dust mites survive in any type of climate and almost any altitude. These are microscopic bugs that thrive in humid conditions and feed on the dead skin that shed by humans. As many as 20 million people in the country are affected by dust mite allergy.

    When people are exposed to the waste products of dust mites, the immune system is triggered. As a result, antibodies are produced against normal, harmless substances. Dust mite allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, watering eyes, sneezing, and itching are triggered due to the immune system’s response. Although your home may seem clean, dust mites may be dwelling in your mattresses, cushions, upholstery and stuffed toys! They thrive on mattresses and pillows. Dust mite allergy symptoms increase over time as you continue to breathe in the waste particles of dust mites.

    Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy
    Dust mite allergy symptoms are similar to that of nasal allergies like sinus or rhinitis. Common symptoms of dust mite allergy are as follows:

    • Sneezing Fits
      This is one of the first occurring symptoms. As you inhale dust mite waste, your immune system tries to sneeze out the allergen.
    • Runny Nose
      A red, runny nose is another common symptom of dust mite allergy.
    • Itchy, Reddish, and Watery Eyes
      This is a classic symptom of dust mite allergy. Very often, this symptom is confused with that of a pollen allergy.
    • Nasal Congestion
      In some cases, runny nose is followed by nasal congestion.
    • Postnasal Drip
      You may also experience postnasal drip as a reaction to dust mites.
    • Cough
      Sometimes dust mite waste inhalation may cause a cough and chest congestion
    • Facial pressure and pain
    • Swollen, blue-colored skin under the eyes
    • Urge to rub nose frequently (this is common in children).

    Long-term inhalation of dust mite wastes may lead to complications, such as those mentioned below:

    • Breathing Difficulty
      When the dust mite allergy worsens, the respiratory tract is affected. This causes breathing difficulty.
    • Tightness or Pain in the Chest
      The respiratory tract is affected by prolonged exposure to dust mites. As a result, the lungs are also under pressure, causing chest pain.
    • Wheezing
      This is a complication of prolonged dust mite exposure. A distinct whistling sound may occur when you exhale.
    • Sleeping Trouble
      Chest tightness or breathing difficulty may cause sleeping trouble.
    • Continuous Cough or Wheezing
      Bouts of a cough or wheezing are common complications of prolonged dust mite allergy.

    Dust mite allergy may be mild or severe. It may occur occasionally, where it causes a runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing. In severe cases, it results in chronic wheezing or a cough, facial pressure, and chest congestion.

    Mild symptoms of dust mite allergy are often ignored or mistaken as a common cold. If symptoms persist or become severe, you need to seek emergency medical help. Especially, when symptoms like chest pain, wheezing, coughing or facial pain appear, medical treatment of dust mite allergy is essential.

    Preventive Methods of Dust Mite Allergy
    There are a number of ways to prevent dust mite allergy. The best way is to minimize dust mites at home by implementing the following:

    • Use dust mite covers for mattresses and pillows
    • Use cots with wood or metal frame
    • Regularly wash pillow covers, bedspreads, and comforters
    • Use hot water to wash mattresses
    • Maintain cleanliness of stuffed toys
    • Clean mattresses before summer sets in as this would kill mites that might have survived winter
    • Use an electrical blanket to reduce humidity on the bed

    For creatures as small as dust mites, they sure do cause severe allergy symptoms! From watery, red eyes to worsening of asthma, dust mite allergy can be quite troublesome. One way to combat dust mite allergy symptoms is to prevent exposure to them by using dust mite covers on pillows and mattresses. People who are allergic to dust mites may experience complications like asthma or sinus upon exposure to mites.

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  • Foods to avoid if one has colitis Foods to avoid if one has colitis

    Foods to avoid if one has colitis
    Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon and rectum, which make up for a major part of the large intestine. It can cause symptoms like bleeding from the rectum, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. These can flare up due to various triggers, with food being one of the major ones. A low-fat, low-salt, high-calorie, low-fiber and gluten-free diet is the best diet to follow for those who suffer from colitis. There are certain foods can result in the aggravation of the symptoms of the condition, read on to know more.

    • Gluten
      Foods that have gluten, like wheat, rye, and barley can cause allergies in some people. It can also lead to the development of symptoms similar to those seen in ulcerative colitis in those who have gluten sensitivity. This is why the ingredient is high on the list of foods to be avoided.
    • Alcohol
      Alcohol can irritate the stomach and worsen the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. It must be avoided or consumed in moderation and ideally, one should either drink alcohol with a meal instead of on an empty stomach.
    • High-fiber foods
      High-fiber foods like adzuki beans, peas, lentils, and legumes can cause bloating and gas and can worsen the symptoms of colitis. Fibrous vegetables can be consumed after skinning and deseeding them as the skin contains most of the fiber content. If they are cooked until they become soft, they can be eaten safely as this prevents problems after consumption.
    • Fibrous fruits that are raw, dried, and have seeds can cause problems and must be avoided. Fruit juice can be consumed, except prune juice.
    • Sulfur
      Sulfate is an essential nutrient that assists in many body processes. But, in individuals with ulcerative colitis, its presence can feed bacteria that creat H2S toxic gas which can lead to bloating and discomfort. Food like red meat, dairy products, beer, wine, grape juice, eggs, and cheese contain sulfate and sulfides. Hence, should be avoided or eaten in moderation.
    • Nuts and seeds
      Those who have been prescribed a low-fiber diet should avoid nuts and seeds. They can be difficult to digest and can cause bloating, diarrhea, and gas. Seeds like sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts should be avoided.
    • Dairy
      Milk and milk products can cause problems for those having colitis. Lactose intolerance in people increases symptoms of the condition, making it important to avoid things like milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt.
    • Caffeine
      The caffeine present in coffee and tea can irritate the stomach and can cause diarrhea. All caffeinated beverages may need to be avoided by those having colitis.
    • Spicy food
      Food that is high in spices or uses chili, peppers, and other such ingredients can cause severe irritation in the stomach. This can severely aggravate the symptoms of colitis and must be avoided.
    • Sugar and chocolate
      Sugar can cause diarrhea in some people who have colitis. Sugary and carbonated drinks are considered bad for those having colitis and must be avoided. Aside from this, chocolate has both sugar and caffeine, which make it a must-avoid for those with the condition.
  • 10 Probiotics Food Items that are Healthy 10 Probiotics Food Items that are Healthy

    Probiotics are beneficial bacteria and live microorganisms that help to keep your brain and body healthy. Reducing depression, keeping heart health in good condition, improving digestive health are some of the benefits of consuming it. According to some medical studies and reports, probiotics can help you get better-looking skin as well. Here is a list of the probiotic foods that are very healthy and can be consumed on a daily basis. In case you are suffering from any health condition, consult a doctor before consuming these.

    One of the best probiotic-rich foods is yogurt. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that help you to stay healthy. Yogurt is made from fermented milk and bacteria like bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria help in that. Here are some stellar benefits of including yogurt in your diet.

    • Beneficial for patients with high blood pressure
    • Improves bone health
    • Helps to diminish diarrhea in children caused by antibiotics
    • Helps to relieve symptoms of IBS
    • Yogurt is beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant

    This food is rich in probiotics containing live bacteria and is made from shredded cabbage fermented by lactic acid bacteria. Apart from having probiotic qualities, this food is rich in vitamin K, B, and C, fiber, manganese, iron and, sodium. Also, antioxidants like zeaxanthin and lutein, which are beneficial for eye health, are available in Sauerkraut.

    It is a fermented dairy product and a unique amalgam of fermented kefir grains and goat’s milk. Along with antioxidants, Kefir is rich in bifidus bacteria and lactobacilli that are good for health. It is one of the best probiotic sources that contain different major strains of yeast and friendly bacteria. Kefir helps in improving bone health, protecting against infections and dealing with digestive problems. Lactose intolerant people can consume kefir without any problem.

    It is a spicy, fermented Korean dish mainly made from cabbage along with other vegetables and mixed seasonings of scallion, garlic, red chili pepper flakes, ginger, and salt. If you love spicy food, kimchi is the dish you should include in your diet. Other than beneficial bacteria, it is a vital source of different vitamins like B, C, calcium, potassium, iron, dietary fiber, and beta-carotene.

    It is a nutrient-dense fermented soybean paste that can diminish the risks of stroke and cancer. This potent source of fiber and protein is loaded with different minerals, plant compounds, vitamin K, copper and manganese. According to various medical studies, it helps to lower breast cancer risks in Japanese women. Other than fermenting soybeans, it can be made with rice, barley, and rye, mixed with a bit of salt and koji, a fungus. Most of the times, this paste is used to make miso soup, a popular Japanese seasoning that is rich in probiotics.

    This fermented vegetarian food is rich in probiotics and can be used as a substitute for tofu or meat. Other than being a mentionable source of B12 vitamin, it can be baked, sautéed or can be consumed by sprinkling on a salad. Tempeh is a very good choice for those on a low-sodium diet.

    To improve your digestive health, pickled cucumber is a great option. The presence of lactic acid bacteria in it is the reason behind its sour taste. Other than being a potent vitamin K source, it provides a crucial nutrient that is essential for clotting of blood. It is not high on calories, which is a good thing. Also, it is a good source of sodium that is necessary for your body. However, pickles that are made from vinegar do not have any live probiotics.

    Dark Chocolate
    Dark chocolates are an effective carrier of probiotics. It helps the friendly bacteria to survive in the extreme pH level in the digestive tract and to successfully reach the colon. Hence, moderate amounts of dark chocolate are good for your health.

    Kombucha Tea
    It is basically a fermented green tea or a black tea drink. Different medical studies have shown that Kombucha tea is a source of a rich amount of gut bacteria that are extremely healthy. It not only helps in boosting your energy but also caters to your well-being along with being a great help for losing weight. However, people having candida should not consume this fermented probiotic drink.

    This contains Bacillus subtilis bacterial strain and is typically made by mixing it with rice. It has a slimy texture, distinctive smell, and a strong flavor. This food is high in protein along with vitamin K2 that is vital for maintaining good cardiovascular health and high bone mineral density. Also, many studies have reflected that Natto helps to prevent osteoporosis.

    Other than all the aforementioned probiotic-rich foods, some types of cheese like mozzarella, Gouda, cottage cheese, cheddar etc. contain healthy, active and live cultures in them. Also, the traditional buttermilk is a good choice. Taking probiotic supplements is the key to having a healthy digestive tract and boosting the immune system.

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  • Cancer Research Institute National Cancer Research Fund & Midwes
    Serving Your AreaColumbusOH
    (180) 022 - 3787
  • OhioHealth Physician Group Breast and Cancer Surgery
    5141 West Broad Street Suite 180ColumbusOH
    (161) 456 - 6077
  • Ohio Cancer Research Associates
    50 W Broad St Ste 1132ColumbusOH
    (180) 023 - 2627