4 things to avoid for psoriatic arthritis

4 things to avoid for psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a condition that affects people with psoriasis, a disease in which patients develop red and grey patches on their skin. Psoriatic arthritis causes pain in the bones and joints. People with this condition develop psoriasis first, followed by arthritis after a few years. There are certain activities and foods that people with this condition need to avoid at all costs. Here are the four things to avoid for psoriatic arthritis experiences:

Poor posture
Bad posture aggravates psoriatic arthritis. Aside from causing other health issues, slouching is one of the habits that makes this condition worse in patients by increasing their pain and swelling in the ligaments, bones, and joints. Therefore, one must maintain proper back alignment at all times, including during the night when one sleeps. To maintain a steady posture, one can use comfortable sofas or chairs or use pillows to keep their back arrow straight while they nap.

This is one of the most significant things to avoid for psoriatic arthritis experiencers not to worsen the condition.

No exercise
One of the myths surrounding psoriatic arthritis is that exercise can aggravate the condition. Regular exercise is good for psoriatic arthritis patients. According to certain research studies, people with this condition who regularly exercise can experience lesser pain in the long run and enhance the quality of their lives. Besides, exercising regularly reduces the possibility of psoriatic arthritis flare-ups in patients. Additionally, exercise also inhibits arthritis-related fatigue in individuals.

What’s more, exercising daily helps people maintain stronger bones and muscles. Finally, a good workout session enables patients to find healthy and long sleep. All in all, avoiding daily, quality exercise is one of the main things to avoid for psoriatic arthritis patients.

Inadequate sleep
People living with psoriatic arthritis find it difficult to find sleep due to the body pain, itch, and stress caused by the condition. This, in turn, makes the condition worse. A lack of sleep has been directly linked with flare-ups, aggravated pain, and deterioration of skin and bones over the long term. Therefore, getting 7-8 hours of sleep on a daily basis is an absolute must for people living with this condition.

Consuming processed foods
Psoriatic arthritis is directly caused by inflammation in a person’s joints. Processed foods, refined sugars, dairy products, fatty red meats, (in some cases) vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and a few other foods trigger inflammation even further in patients with psoriatic arthritis. As a result, the consumption of such foods must be avoided. Instead, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, must be consumed abundantly.