5 signs that indicate myeloid leukemia

5 signs that indicate myeloid leukemia

Leukemia is a type of cancer that develops in the blood cells. Myeloid leukemia primarily develops in the bone marrow, the body’s production center for red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. As the cancer spreads in the bone marrow, it affects the ability of these cells to carry out individual tasks, affecting one or multiple organs at a time. Here are the most common and noticeable early symptoms of myeloid leukemia to notice and take prompt action.

The red blood cells are tasked with the vital responsibility of carrying freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs to all organs and extremities of the body. Myeloid leukemia affects the production of red blood cells and results in fewer cells circulating in the bloodstream. Fewer cells mean less oxygen; the first sign of low oxygen is fatigue. People also develop weakness, feel lightheaded, dizzy, or faint on multiple occasions due to poor circulation and a low red blood cell count. These are the primary myeloid leukemia early symptoms that indicate developing trouble.

Low immunity
The immune system relies on white blood cells to prevent infections and external viruses from harming the body. However, myeloid leukemia affects the production of new white blood cells in the bone marrow, resulting in less cell circulation to boost immunity. Developing frequent infections or running a fever at the slightest change in weather are clear signs of diminished immunity.

Bruising and discoloration
Low platelet counts triggered by myeloid leukemia can result in evident bruising on the skin’s surface. One might also notice hundreds of thousands of tiny red spots on the skin, which indicate the progression of an underlying blood disorder. People with myeloid leukemia also bleed out easily from minor cuts and injuries, experience nosebleeds, and even bleed out from the gums. All of these symptoms develop because blood cancer affects the ability of the platelets to clot and prevent excessive bleeding.

Changes in appetite
Low blood circulation and problems in the bone marrow also result in metabolic changes that trigger a loss of appetite. Losing interest in eating favorite foods could indicate underlying metabolic disorders linked to myeloid leukemia. One might also notice a sharp reduction in body mass without any explanation. These changes are consistent with the signs of cancer.

Swelling in the abdomen
One might also notice swelling in the abdomen due to enlargement of the liver or spleen and experience discomfort in the joints and bones. The spleen controls the level of red cells, white cells, and platelets in circulation. Additionally, the liver regulates the chemical balance of fluids in the body and helps remove toxins from circulation. Swelling of these organs indicates serious underlying blood disorders like myeloid leukemia progressing within the body.

Irrespective of the intensity or frequency of these symptoms, one must never hesitate or prolong a visit to the clinic to get blood tests done. Only a complete blood test can confirm the early myeloid leukemia symptoms.