5 ways to straighten teeth at home

5 ways to straighten teeth at home

Misaligned teeth are a common problem, and research suggests that about 48% of adults are concerned about not having an attractive smile as they age. This is why many people decide to get their teeth aligned at some point in their life. One may also resort to certain natural and at-home methods to straighten or maintain the alignment of teeth. However, one must consult a dentist before implementing one or more of the following methods.

Applying pressure using fingers
One of the easiest ways to straighten teeth at home is to apply gentle pressure on the teeth using the fingers, moving them in the right direction. One must also remember that gums and palate are made of soft tissue. So while using fingers to align teeth, one must not apply excessive pressure, as that may trigger the loss of teeth or damage them beyond repair.

Sleeping on the back or side
People often sleep on their stomachs, which exerts a lot of inward pressure on the face and the teeth. This can result in inward overlapping and crowding of teeth. The situation may worsen when one puts an arm or a firm object under their head while sleeping on their stomach or face. So to avoid affecting the alignment of the teeth, one should sleep on their side or back.

Applying tongue pressure
One can place their tongue in the space along the gum line and push it in the preferred direction. This may help push the teeth back into the right position. Moreover, the mechanism of using the tongue to nudge the teeth into the right position is similar to how orthodontist-recommended braces work. However, the pressure here might be mild and take a long time to show results.

Nevertheless, one should also consider the following orthodontist-recommended options:

Braces use wires to straighten the teeth. Dentists may also recommend elastic bands to build additional pressure so the teeth can gradually move back into place. Braces are the most commonly used tool to adjust crooked or crowded teeth. Today, people prefer ceramic or clear braces because of their subtle appearance unlike that offered by traditional, metal-wired options.

Clear aligners
Clear aligners are less expensive options that can be effective alternatives to braces. This dental tool can align crooked teeth and reduce spacing issues. Most clear aligners can be easily managed at home, while others may require an orthodontist’s prescription. Popular brands like Byte, AlignerCo, and Invisalign offer clear aligners that can be purchased following an orthodontist’s recommendation. The brands offer the best options for straightening teeth.