6 treatment options for advanced prostate cancer

6 treatment options for advanced prostate cancer

Prostate cancer begins in the prostate gland, an organ located between the urethra and the bladder. If one does not receive proper attention in the initial days, the condition spreads outside this gland and affects other organs. When that happens, prostate cancer is considered to be in the advanced stage. During this time, doctors recommend treatment and therapy to slow down the spread of cancerous cells and control the symptoms.

Hormone therapy
The male hormone testosterone is mainly responsible for accelerating the spread of prostate cancer. That’s why hormone therapy is usually the first line of treatment for advanced prostate cancer. Its main aim is to limit the amount and activity of testosterone, which is why the treatment is also called androgen suppression therapy. Sometimes, doctors may also suggest the surgical removal of both testicles. This surgery, called orchiectomy, quickly lowers the body’s testosterone levels.

If the patient does not respond to hormone therapy, doctors may suggest chemotherapy as the next line of treatment. For advanced prostate cancer, chemotherapy is mainly given to prevent the cancer cells from growing and dividing. Besides slowing down the spread of cancer, this therapy can even relieve some of its symptoms.

Radiation therapy
This form of therapy uses powerful radiation to kill cancer cells or shrink tumors. Various sources, such as X-rays and proton beams, can generate this radiation. The radiation beam is directly aimed at specific points in the body, where it can attack the cancer cells.

Another treatment option doctors may suggest for advanced prostate cancer is immunotherapy. The main aim of this treatment option is to help the immune system fight and kill cancer cells. If one does not respond to hormone therapy and chemotherapy, immunotherapy may be suggested as the next line of treatment.

Oral treatment options
Doctors may also recommend certain oral treatments that are not chemotherapy. For instance, NUBEQA® is an oral treatment that prevents testosterone from attaching to androgen receptors to delay the growth of prostate cancer. In the case of advanced prostate cancer, when the cancer has spread, NUBEQA® may be suggested in combination with chemotherapy and hormone therapy. It may also be recommended in the late stages if the cancer is responding to treatment options to lower testosterone.

In advanced stages of prostate cancer, surgery may not be as effective to stop the condition. Still, a doctor may recommend it to alleviate certain symptoms. The two common forms of surgery suggested are radical prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland and the cancer growth around it) and lymph node removal (removal of lymph nodes to test if the cancer has spread to them).

Individuals must note that it is crucial to consult a doctor and seek guidance before beginning treatment.