8 popular treatments for migraines

8 popular treatments for migraines

A migraine is a severe headache that causes symptoms like light or sound sensitivity, nausea, upset stomach, or speech issues. Usually, the neurological condition can last a few hours to days and occurs in four stages – prodrome, aura, headache, and postdrome. Each stage of migraine has distinct symptoms and may require a different treatment approach. While the condition cannot fully be cured, it can be managed well with some lifestyle choices and treatments.

Popular migraine treatments to explore

Vyepti IV treatment
One of the quickest ways to relieve migraine pain is to use preventive treatments like Vyepti, which delivers targeted therapy through intravenous (IV) infusion. It is an FDA-approved prescription option used for the preventive treatment of migraine in adults. Migraine occurs when certain proteins in the body, like the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), attach themselves to brain receptors that activate pain pathways and cause a migraine headache. Vyepti binds to the CGRP protein and prevents it from activating the receptors.

Nasal sprays
Suitable especially for migraines that occur after waking up in the morning, nasal sprays provide rapid relief and can help manage nausea as well. These sprays work quickly because the blood vessels in the nasal passage help the solution to reach one’s bloodstream directly.

Magnesium and vitamin B2
Nutrients like magnesium help reduce migraine symptoms like vision or sensory problems and also work well to manage migraines due to menstruation. So, those who are diagnosed with the condition should add magnesium-rich foods like dark leafy vegetables, nuts, and whole grains to their daily meals. Similarly, vitamin B2, commonly found in foods like almonds, wild rice, mushrooms, and soybeans is also known to reduce pain experienced during a migraine.

Dissolvable treatment options
These are a type of chewable treatment options that are useful for relieving mild or moderate migraine pain. One can find these dissolvable migraine treatments in the nearest pharmacy or wellness stores. But, it’s important to ensure that the chewable is prescribed by a doctor and taken in the right quantity for maximum benefit.

Remote electrical neurostimulation
This treatment involves a wearable device that delivers electrical pulses to one’s upper arms. The nerves in this area get activated, thus triggering the brain’s response to the signal to reduce pain.

Hot or cold packs
They come in a gel-filled interior with a durable, soft cover and can help manage migraine symptoms. One can apply these packs on the neck, head, or belly or in the targeted areas to reduce inflammation and pain. Hot packs relax tense muscles and improve blood flow while cold packs ease the throbbing sensation and should be stored in the freezer. For hot packs, one can use a microwave or dip them in hot water for some time before use.

Self-massage or compression
Acupressure activates the pressure point on the body and stops the migraine from pressing. It can also work in acute situations of a migraine attack. Apart from this, squeezing one’s head or temples, a self-treatment called compression, can also help reduce early-stage migraine pain.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Stress is one of the major causes of a migraine, and supportive treatments like CBT can help manage one’s mood and stress using different techniques like biofeedback, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization. Practicing these techniques during a migraine attack, especially in its early stages, can help relieve the pain.

Apart from this, aromatherapy with lavender or mint can also help manage migraine symptoms and bring instant relief.