A guide to preparing for cancer surgery and post-operative care

A guide to preparing for cancer surgery and post-operative care

In recent years, cancer survival rates have increased tremendously thanks to advancements in cancer interventions. Among these treatments, surgery has emerged as an effective option that prevents the disease from progressing. However, there are certain side effects associated with cancer surgery, leaving patients tired and weak for some time afterward. To eliminate such side effects, it is important to prepare well for the surgical procedure and continue taking adequate care of oneself afterward.

Preparing for cancer surgery

Take the necessary pre-operative tests

Oncologists usually ask patients to take a few general body tests to ensure they are physically fit for the surgery. Some of these tests include the following-

  • A blood test to check blood count, liver and kidney functioning, blood sugar, and more
  • A chest X-ray to examine one’s lung functioning
  • An ECG to check heart health
  • Urine test to examine kidney function

Health experts may also suggest other tests based on one’s condition and requirements. One should ensure that all the necessary tests are taken before the surgery and submit the results to one’s doctor well in advance so that if the surgery has to be postponed for health reasons, there’s no last-minute hassle.

Have lean protein

Protein is essential for building strong muscles, which can help improve resilience during cancer surgery. But, red and processed meats must be strictly avoided, as they might worsen cancer symptoms. So, to minimize physical weakness, one should have sufficient lean protein, including eggs, poultry, venison, and plant-based protein (such as soybeans and lentils), before cancer surgery.

Regulate calorie intake

It’s important to follow a healthy meal plan before cancer surgery to minimize the risk of complications. One should also monitor one’s calorie intake closely when preparing for cancer surgery, replacing sugary and oily foods from the meal plan with nutrient-rich alternatives.

Have plenty of water

Staying hydrated is a must before the surgical procedure. But the solution isn’t to have plenty of water just before the procedure – one should have sufficient water regularly on the days preceding the surgery so that the body is well hydrated by the time the day of the procedure approaches. Other healthy fluids like soups and fresh fruit juices are also good.

Post-surgical care

Practice deep breathing

Deep breathing exercises clear one’s lungs and reduce susceptibility to pneumonia after surgery. That’s why it’s important to follow oncologists’ advice and practice deep-breathing exercises after being operated on for cancer.

Have lots of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, carotenoids, and various essential elements. So, patients with cancer should incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible in their meal plans after cancer surgery.

Seek help from professionals and loved ones

Having a strong support system is crucial when recovering from cancer because one needs adequate rest and care. So, one should delegate daily household chores and seek help and support from professionals, family members, and friends as required during this period.