Causes, treatment, and preventive measures of asthma

Causes, treatment, and preventive measures of asthma

Asthma is an autoimmune disease caused when there is an inflammation in the airways of the lungs. If statistics are to be believed, there are almost 25 million people in the country with asthma. Asthma patients are likely to be very sensitive to particular things. However, this varies from patient to patient. The following article lists causes, treatments, and preventive measures to manage asthma and help asthma patients live better lives.


Allergens are a common trigger of asthma. Common allergens present in the air that can cause asthma attacks to include dust mites on pillows or carpets, pollen from plants, molds or fungi in the air, pet hair, insect droppings, or rodents.

Second-hand smoke and polluted air can lead to severe coughing, wheezing, and even an asthma attack. This can be in the form of burning wood, strong fumes, vapors, odors from perfumes, fresh paint, gasoline, and scented soaps or candles.

Health conditions
Certain health conditions such as allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), pregnancy hormones, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), obstructive sleep apnea, nasal polyps, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), sinusitis, and rhinitis can also cause asthma.

Changes in the weather are a common cause of asthma. Hence, it is recommended to avoid stepping outside during high pollen seasons like spring and fall.

Exercise is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. However, for asthma patients, aggressive forms of physical exercises can make them pant more, causing breathing difficulty. Asthma caused due to excessive exercise is called bronchoconstriction.

Treatment options for asthma
While there may be no direct cure, the following options can efficiently help manage asthma symptoms:

One of the most important modes of treating asthma is medication. Although, not everyone who suffers from asthma relies on the same types of medication. Medication is prescribed based on a number of factors like the age of the person, possible triggers, and factors that help them keep their breathing and asthma in check. Medication can be divided into two categories – long-term asthma control medication and quick-relief medication.

Long-term medication is taken daily. This helps keep the signs and symptoms of asthma in check and reduces the chances of an asthma attack due to potential triggers. Types of long-term asthma medication include inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers, combination inhalers, and theophylline.

Quick-relief medication is the second most common type of asthma medication used to keep the symptoms of asthma at bay. These are normally used in situations of emergency and to tackle an already active asthma attack. They work quickly and provide short-term relief. They are used as per the doctor’s prescription. Some asthma patients use these medications before indulging in exercising or any activity that exerts their body. The types of quick-relief asthma medication include short-acting beta antagonists, anticholinergic agents, and oral and intravenous corticosteroids.

Allergy medication is another type of medication used to treat the signs and symptoms of an asthma attack. This only helps if the asthma attack is triggered due to allergic reactions. Types of allergic medication include allergy shots and biologics.


Take a steam bath
One of the effective home remedies for managing asthma is to take a steam bath. It is a simple way of getting relief from the symptoms of asthma. If not a steam bath, even steam inhalation can help. The steam opens up airways, providing relief from symptoms like wheezing and breathing difficulties.

Food regime
Food plays a key role in managing asthma. Certain foods can trigger asthma symptoms. So, one needs to identify what triggers asthma symptoms and avoid such foods. One needs to eat balanced and nutritious meals with fruits and vegetables, as they help boost immunity. Including foods rich in vitamin C and D helps improve immunity.

Practice yoga
Yoga involves postures and exercises that are beneficial. It requires the practice of breathing exercises like Pranayama. These exercises strengthen the diaphragm and lungs, which provide relief from the symptoms of asthma. When done regularly, it can be helpful for people with chronic asthma.

Use garlic and ginger
Garlic is anti-inflammatory in nature helpful in reducing inflammation, which is one of the aggravating factors in asthma. Also, eating a few pods of ginger can help manage asthma.

Drink coffee
While coffee is not beneficial in most health conditions, it can help asthmatics, as it works as a bronchodilator and opens blocked airways. A cup of hot coffee can provide relief from asthma symptoms.

Lose weight
People who are overweight or obese are prone to suffer from severe asthma symptoms. This is because the tummy presses on the lungs, putting pressure on them. Losing weight can be helpful for asthma patients as it increases lung volume. Weight loss also provides relief from other diseases like hypertension and diabetes that can aggravate asthma.

Consume omega-3
Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish and nuts can help increase lung strength and is also good for the heart. You can even take omega-3 supplements to help manage asthma.

Severe cases of asthma are treated with prescription medications like Fasenra® and Nucula. Fasenra® is one of the most effective asthma treatment options. It can be self-injected using an injection pen. Fasenra® improves breathing in asthma patients and lowers their oral steroid use. It can be used once every eight weeks. Mepolizumab or Nucala works to reduce the number of eosinophils in the blood, thereby reducing airway inflammation. Other clinical treatment medications include Singulair®, Zyflo®, and Ventolin® HFA.