Home and natural remedies to manage multiple sclerosis

Home and natural remedies to manage multiple sclerosis

The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system and control most bodily functions. However, sometimes the disease known as multiple sclerosis attacks these parts of the body and makes communication between the nerves difficult. The phenomenon leads to problems with physical movement, cognitive challenges, and pain. There isn’t a cure for multiple sclerosis. However, practicing specific home remedies may help cope with the condition and lead a positive lifestyle.

Identify the symptoms
Before we list the remedies for multiple sclerosis, it is imperative to identify the symptoms of the disease. The symptoms of MS differ from one person to another. MS commonly affects cognitive function, which leads to:

  • Weakness in one or more limbs on one side of the body at a time
  • Poor coordination and tremors
  • Experiencing shock-like sensations with neck movements, especially when the person bends the neck forwards

Vision is another aspect affected by the condition. The symptoms include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision for extended hours
  • Partial or complete loss of vision in one eye at a time. 
  • The affected individual may also experience pain when they move their eyes

Other symptoms of multiple sclerosis include fatigue, dizziness, slurred speech, issues with bowel and bladder function, and sexual problems.

Treatment options for relapsing MS

It is an FDA approved prescription injection administered once a week to slow down the progression of MS. It is known to lower inflammation by controlling the immune system. 

It is additionally suggested for patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. This type of treatment activates Nrf2 pathways that help the body fight against oxidative stress.

Herbal remedies
Herbal remedies are also known to improve the symptoms of MS and improve a patient’s well-being. A few herbal remedies include:

  • Green tea
    While the evidence isn’t conclusive, drinking green tea may counter the harmful effects of MS. The liquid remedy contains healthy antioxidants and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a compound that may improve the brain cells and complement the immune system. Consuming green tea in small quantities is safe and curbs the symptoms of MS.
  • Ginkgo biloba
    Ginkgo biloba has been implemented as a treatment option for decades and is beneficial for people with multiple sclerosis. Ginkgo extract or supplements help improve the ability to think, alleviate pain in the legs, decrease vision problems, and reduce dizziness and vertigo.
  • Ginger
    Ginger is another ancient remedy rich in flavor and medicinal properties. The rhizome is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds like 10-gingerol and 6-Shogaol. The compounds can be consumed in a fresh, dried, or powdered form to reduce inflammation in the brain or spinal cord caused by MS.

Home remedies for MS
There are multiple remedies you can try at home to help ease and manage the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Proper rest
Lack of proper rest may lead to drowsiness during the day and aggravate specific symptoms of the disease. The inability to rest efficiently is more common in people affected by MS. Therefore, taking steps to get the right amount of sleep can significantly improve a person’s ability to deal with symptoms of the disease. A few ways to ensure proper rest include going to bed and waking up at uniform times daily. Limiting caffeine intake in the morning and adopting a peaceful bedroom atmosphere can also improve sleep quality. Some patients may also need to be treated for sleep disorders to ensure they get the required rest.

Regular exercise
People with mild to moderate MS should try out a few exercises at home to manage the condition. Improving lower body strength through sit-to-stand exercises, wall squats, and leg extensions are a few ways to get some relief for people with MS. Patients can practice their neuromotor exercises to improve agility, balance, walking, and coordination. Agility drills and hand-eye coordination with a tennis ball are popular ways to build neuromotor strength and cope with MS.

Drink plenty of water
Dehydration is one factor that may contribute to fatigue and cognitive decline. The summer heat is also known to worsen MS symptoms. Therefore, patients must drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Getting sufficient liquids will also help cool down the body, and stay hydrated, which can subsequently curb the symptoms of the disease. Using products like cooling scarves and cooling vests are other methods to help an individual manage the condition in summers.

Balanced and nutritious meals
The foods we eat can play a vital role in boosting the immune system, which may help manage the effects of the nerve-damaging condition. Increase the intake of fish, flax seeds, and walnuts. These foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, which may help tackle MS symptoms. Eating tomatoes, kale, spinach, and fruits such as strawberries, cherries, and oranges can nourish the body with healthy phytochemicals and antioxidants. Such anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation and even lower fatigue, cognitive impairment, depression, and pain in patients with MS.

Hydrotherapy, also known as aquatic therapy, implements water to treat conditions like multiple sclerosis. Steam inhalation, ice massages, and hot or cold compresses are effective hydrotherapy methods. Mineral water baths, immersion at different temperatures, whirlpool baths, swimming, water aerobics, or water walking are other popular methods practiced in this therapy. These methods can improve flexibility, open up tightened muscles, improve balance, and promote coordination in the body.

Indulge in stress-relieving activities
Chronic conditions like multiple sclerosis can trigger stress in many individuals. By learning to control these feelings, people can learn to cope with MS and lead a better lifestyle. Meditation is a method of reducing stress. Deep breathing, focusing and chanting a single mantra, or practicing mindfulness can help a patient destress. Yoga is another popular method to steer clear of stress. The activity combines medications, light exercises, controlled breathing, and physical movement to reduce stress levels and improve how one manages their condition. Creating artwork through drawing, painting, and reading books may also help improve concentration and decrease stress levels.