How to manage dry eyes

How to manage dry eyes

Tears are a mix of water, oils, mucus, and antibodies, which help moisturize, lubricate, and give the eyes specific proteins to keep infections away. Unfortunately, many people are affected by dry eye disease, a common condition wherein the tears cannot provide the required lubrication for the eyes. Lack of lubrication can lead to discomfort, stinging, and burning sensation. Here are a few foods, home remedies, and treatment options to manage dry eyes.

Foods to eat
Several foods are known to reduce inflammation or irritation caused by dry eyes. Some popular healthy foods are mentioned below:

  • Fish
    Naturally oily fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fats that help reduce inflammation and help the oil-making glands in the eye function well. A few examples of fish rich in these fatty acids are tuna, salmon, sardines, herring, and lake trout.
  • Leafy greens
    Several leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps improve eye health. They also contain folate, a nutrient that can reduce vision loss and developmental problems. Leafy greens that are rich in vitamin C include collards, spinach, and kale.
  • Seeds
    Those with dry eyes can add chia seeds, flaxseed, and sunflower seeds to their meals. These are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and a great alternative to fish for those who follow a plant-based lifestyle. They are also rich in nutrients that promote gut health.
  • Beans
    Beans are abundant in fiber and protein and make for a great source of primary protein for vegans and vegetarians. Beans contain folate and zinc, which help in the production of melanin. Melanin is essential as it protects the eyes from the harsh sun and reduces the risk of dry eye disease.

Home remedies
Other than eating foods that promote eye health, those with dry eye disease should try out these home remedies listed below. They may help reduce irritation and boost eye recovery.

  • Blink
    People who stare at a computer screen for too long tend to blink less. So it is essential to remember to blink more. It is recommended to follow the 20/20 rule: close the eyes every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. Setting the screen below the eye level may also help keep the eyes lubricated.
  • Warm compresses
    Sometimes inflamed and flaky eyelids may clog the oil-producing glands located on the edge of the eyelid and cause dry eyes. As a remedy, one can wet a clean washcloth with warm water and place it over the closed eyelids for a minute. It is essential to gently press the edge of the eyelid to squeeze out clogged oils. Practicing these steps daily may help lower inflammation.
  • Hydration
    Drinking lots of water is essential for several organs in the body to function properly. Everyone must drink at least eight to ten glasses of water daily to keep their eyes moist. It is also advisable to avoid caffeinated drinks, as those may lead to dehydration.
  • Wash-crusted lashes
    Crusty lashes may have a noticeable impact and can trigger irritation and inflammation in those with dry eyes. By cleaning the eyelids and their surrounding skin, people with the condition can reduce the level of inflammation. A drop of baby shampoo or mild soap can also help cleanse the lashes. The person must apply the liquid to their fingertips and massage at the base of the eyelashes.

Eye drops for dry eyes
While the foods we eat and home remedies play an important role in reducing dry eyes, sometimes the condition may require specific medical intervention. Below are some recommended eye drops that can help improve one’s condition.

  • Decongestant drops like Clear Eyes Eye Drops
    These drops, also known as anti-redness drops, help reduce any redness in the eyes. They contain a vasoconstrictor, an ingredient that can shrink the blood vessels on the eye’s surface and reduce redness. However, those who use them for more than a few days must do so with caution. Some of these drops also contain antihistamines that relieve itchiness caused by allergens. The excessive use of decongestant drops can irritate the eyes and worsen one’s condition. Regular use may also lead to increased dependency and may turn the eyes red when the person does not use it. Some common decongestant drops include Clear Eyes Eye Drops, Visine Red Eye Comfort Redness Relief, and Rohto DryAid Eye Relief.

  • Allergy drops like Visine Allergy Eye Relief Multi-Action Eye Drops
    The body releases histamines when it has an allergic reaction. And among other symptoms, these histamines can cause itchy eyes. Allergy drops contain antihistamines, a substance that can block histamines from triggering allergy symptoms in the eyes. There are also mast-cell stabilizers. These stop the body from making histamines and prevent any potential allergy of the eye. Visine Allergy Eye Relief Multi-Action Eye Drops, Bausch & Lomb Opcon-A Allergy Eye Drops, and Refresh Optive Lubricant Eye Drops are a few allergy drops that help alleviate symptoms.
  • Artificial tears like REFRESH® DIGITAL
    Artificial tears are eye drops that help keep the surface of the eyes moist. They are known as artificial tears because their properties mirror those of real tears. There is a combination of ingredients that go into making these tears. Electrolytes like sodium and potassium help heal the surface of the eye. Lubricants in artificial tears keep the eye nice and moist. Bacteria-fighting preservatives keep the artificial drops clean, fresh, and germ-free. REFRESH® DIGITAL, Tears Naturale, and Thera Tears are a few examples of artificial tears.

A person can take eye drops, eat healthy foods, and try out home remedies to manage dry eyes. But they must see a doctor to get their eyes checked. Further, it is vital to see a doctor if the condition turns severe or in situations where the drops worsen the condition and affect vision.