Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

The blood sugar levels rise when the body fails in transporting the sugar in the blood to the cells. To lead a healthy life, it is important to maintain the blood sugar levels in the body. The best way to control blood sugar levels includes making some lifestyle changes. Here are some ways to naturally lower blood sugar.

Cinnamon extract
The cinnamon extract helps in improving the sensitivity of insulin by reducing the resistance of the insulin at cellular levels. The carbs are broken down at a slower pace, which ensures that levels of blood sugar don’t rise rapidly after meals.

Chromium and magnesium
Deficiency of micronutrients leads to higher levels of blood sugar. Digestion of carbs and fat is aided by chromium, these lead to lower blood sugar levels. Egg yolks, high-bran cereals, nuts, coffee, whole-grain foods, meat, broccoli, and green beans are rich in chromium. Blood sugar levels are also controlled by magnesium. Foods which are rich in magnesium are whole grains, dark leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, fish, avocados, bananas, and beans.

Low glycemic index
The response of the level of blood sugar to carb-containing foods are assessed by the glycemic index. The type and amount of carbs are important. Levels of blood sugar in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are significantly reduced with foods having a low glycemic index. Foods like seafood, eggs, meat, barley, oats, lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, legumes, yams, corn, vegetables without starch and fruits have a low glycemic index.

Apart from these lifestyle changes, eating the right kind of food may also help control your blood sugar levels. Learn how to lower blood sugar naturally by including the foods mentioned below in your daily meals.

Oats or oats bran help control blood sugar in the body since they contain a high amount of soluble fiber. Oats also contain B-glucans that help maintain glycemic, reduce fats, and improve insulin and glucose levels post meals. However, doctors recommend limiting the consumption of oatmeal as they are high in carbs.

Including cruciferous vegetables like broccoli in one’s food regime helps lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, broccoli helps improve insulin sensitivity due to its anti-diabetic effect. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is a type of isothiocyanate that has natural blood-sugar reducing properties. This chemical is produced when the vegetable is chopped or chewed. Broccoli sprouts are also known to reduce blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetic patients when consumed as an extract or powder.

Shellfish, salmon, and sardines contain a healthy amount of vitamins and minerals that improve blood sugar levels. Seafood is also a good source of protein, which plays a key role in preventing after-meal blood sugar rise. It slows digestion, increases the feeling of fullness, and helps reduce excess weight. All these factors are important to understand how to lower blood sugar naturally.

Avocados are low in carbohydrates and so do not impact blood sugar significantly. Since it makes one feel full longer, after meals, one is less likely to reach for an unhealthy snack. Avocados also improve insulin sensitivity and are loaded with healthy fats.

Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds
The bright orange-colored fruit is fibrous and full of antioxidants. It is also packed with carbs called polysaccharides, which have been researched for their blood-sugar reduction properties. Additionally, pumpkin seeds help lower blood sugar naturally as they are rich in fats and proteins.

Chia seeds
Chia seeds are high in fiber and low in carbs. They reduce blood sugar levels and help in increasing insulin sensitivity. The viscous fiber in chia seeds slows down the digestion rate, promotes the feeling of fullness, and maintains glycemic levels in people with diabetes.

Nuts are packed with dietary fiber, plant proteins, and minerals like magnesium and potassium. Nuts are known to lower blood sugar as well as bad cholesterol. They have anti-inflammation properties too. Regular consumption of unprocessed whole nuts improves heart health and helps manage diabetes.

Fenugreek seeds contain soluble fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that lower blood sugar by slowing digestion. They prevent cell damage from molecules known as free radicals. Moreover, fenugreek seeds can help improve metabolic symptoms associated with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and glucose tolerance.

Some of the other lifestyle changes that may help in managing high blood sugar levels are mentioned below:

Regular exercise
Exercising on a regular basis is an effective way of weight loss and well as increasing the sensitivity of insulin, leading to lower blood sugar. When the sensitivity of insulin increases, the sugar that is present in your blood is used more efficiently by the cells. Muscle contraction is much better and blood sugar is used by your muscles for energy. If controlling blood sugar is a problem for you, it is important that the levels are checked on a regular basis. This will help you access what form of activity works best for you. Exercise options include brisk walking, biking, running, lifting weights, swimming, hiking and so on.

Lower carb intake
Insulin takes the glucose created after carbs are broken down by your body and transports it to the cells. This process doesn’t work when the carb intake is too high or the insulin is not functioning properly, leading to higher levels of blood glucose. This can be managed by planning your meals to ensure the carb content is within limits.

High fiber intake for diabetes type 1
The digestion of carbs and absorption of sugar are slowed down by fiber. Hence, the rise in the blood sugar levels is also gradual. Fiber can be soluble or insoluble. When it comes to lowering blood sugar levels, soluble fiber is more effective. Type 1 diabetes responds better to a high-fiber diet, which helps reduce blood sugar levels. Vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grain vegetables have high fiber.

Stay hydrated
In order to lower blood sugar levels, ensure that you keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This is also beneficial in helping the kidney remove the excess amount of blood sugar through urine. There is also a reduction in the risk of diabetes. Beverages without calories could be another option. Avoid drinks which are sweetened with sugar.

Portion control
By restricting the portions you eat, you regulate the number of calories and thereby ensure there is weight loss. There is a positive correlation between weight loss and healthy levels of blood sugar resulting in a reduction of risk of type 2 diabetes. The way to control portions is by using plates that are smaller, staying away from fast food joints, and reading the labels of food products.

Stress management
The levels of blood sugar are adversely impacted by stress. Cortisol and glucagon are hormones that are released when you are stressed. They cause an increase in the levels of blood sugar. Stress can be significantly reduced by relaxation, exercise, and medication leading to lowering of blood sugar levels in the case of students. Chronic diabetics can also benefit from yoga which corrects the secretion of insulin.

Monitoring blood sugar levels
When you measure blood sugar levels, you can control it. So it is important that levels of blood glucose are monitored on a regular basis. This helps you determine if any changes are to be made to your diet or medications. Your reaction to various foods can also be assessed. Measurement on a daily basis as well as maintaining a log is helpful.

Quality sleep
Proper and sufficient sleep is important to ensure good health. Poor sleep triggers your appetite leading to weight gain. This affects levels of blood sugar as well as the sensitivity of insulin. Lack of sleep means lower growth hormones and higher cortisol levels, both having an impact on the control of blood sugar.