Nutrition and lifestyle changes to manage endometrial cancer

Nutrition and lifestyle changes to manage endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer develops in the endometrium lining of the uterus. The condition is also referred to as uterine cancer in some cases and presents vaginal bleeding as one of the main symptoms. It is possible to detect in its early stages due to the inherent nature of its symptoms. Specialists suggest surgery, chemotherapy, or a complete hysterectomy among treatment options. Changes in food regime, daily lifestyle, and certain prescriptions help manage the condition to improve quality of life.

Nutritional guidelines during and post treatment
A nutritious food regime can help manage any side effects after treatment, improve energy levels, increase muscle tone, and boost immunity.

  • Healthy fruits and vegetables
    A well-balanced meal that contains plant-based protein helps lower the risk of flare-ups. Nutritionists recommend a minimum of 5 servings of colored vegetables and at least 2 servings of fresh fruits every day. Leafy greens, citrus-rich fruits, and assorted berries are all rich in phytochemicals, vitamins, resveratrol, and antioxidants that fight oxidative stress.
  • Fibrous foods
    Legumes like beans and lentils are a rich source of  fiber. Fiber helps one remain satiated for longer periods. More importantly, it helps the gut produce compounds that can combat tumor cells. Other sources of fiber include wholemeal breads, multigrain breads, oats, muesli, noodles, and cereals. Barley, buckwheat, quinoa, and bulgur are also excellent breakfast foods to include daily. A single serving of these fibrous foods can help maintain balanced nutrition during treatment.
  • Foods rich in protein
    Protein is an essential compound that helps the body grow and repair tissue. Patients can include more lean proteins sourced from chicken, fish, eggs, and lean red meats. Vegetarians can alternatively get their plant-based proteins from chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, tofu, and assorted nuts and seeds. Protein is needed to help the tissue heal and recover post-surgery, after chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Proteins also reduce the risk of further infection immediately after surgery.
  • Include more healthy fats
    Low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt are healthy fats that must form part of daily foods. Those who are lactose intolerant can consider fortified soy, rice, or almond milk. Dairy helps supplement protein and calcium requirements. Nutritionists recommend at least four servings of dairy for women above the age of 50, especially while undergoing treatment for endometrial cancer.
  • Avoid red meats and saturated fats
    Red meats should be eliminated from daily foods during and after treatment. One must also avoid foods that are rich in saturated fats. However, studies are not conclusive on how compounds in red meats and saturated fats affect cancer progression. But those who eliminate these foods have a low risk of developing health complications associated with cancer.
  • Moderate consumption of sugary foods and alcohol
    It is advisable to moderate or limit the consumption of alcohol during cancer treatment. Also, avoid foods that rank high on the glycemic index as these foods will affect blood sugar levels. Sugar contains empty carbohydrates that the body must work hard to burn off. It affects one’s immunity severely and can interfere with the treatment.
  • Beverages
    Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining essential body and immune functions. Women must drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water. Also, studies suggest those who consume coffee and green tea regularly lower the risk of endometrial complications. The caffeine found in these beverages can help counter carcinogens that trigger the destruction of healthy cells.

Lifestyle changes to promote a better outlook
Changes in food regimes will be more effective with lifestyle changes.

  • Stay active
    Exercise and an active daily regime are key to recovery, especially after endometrial cancer surgery or therapy. Physical activity promotes immunity, boosts energy levels, and improves mood. Daily exercise can help restore muscle strength to boost recovery further. Physical activity is broadly classified into cardiovascular activity and strength conditioning. Brisk walking, jogging, running, or swimming can burn calories and boost cardiovascular function. Lifting weights in the gym or performing bodyweight exercises help boost muscle growth and increase strength. Following a regular fitness regime with a healthy and balanced diet can help manage the effects of the disease. 

Treatment options for endometrial cancer
Changes in food habits to supplement daily lifestyle can help overcome a number of discomforts. In addition, certain FDA-approved prescriptions are suggested for patients who may not necessarily benefit from existing treatments or therapy.

    Pembrolizumab, marketed under the brand name KEYTRUDA® is an FDA-approved prescription used to treat advanced endometrial cancer. KEYTRUDA® is suggested for patients who cannot rely on radiation therapy or surgery to manage the advanced stage of this disease. The prescription is also combined with similar formulations like LENVIMA® for long-term treatment.
    LENVIMA® is an alternative FDA-approved prescription suggested for the treatment of advanced endometrial carcinoma. LENVIMA® and KEYTRUDA® can be combined to increase the efficacy of the dosage for those who are not suitable candidates for surgical removal of the cancer.

Understand that these are only suggestions based on clinical research that survey and observe the effects of food and lifestyle changes during cancer treatment. It is always advisable to consult with a certified medical professional or a consulting doctor to confirm what works best depending on the case.