Ovarian cancer: Home remedies and management tips

Ovarian cancer: Home remedies and management tips

Ovarian cancer can affect women of all ages. However, most ovarian cancer cases are diagnosed in women between 50 and 60 years of age. However, both gynecologists and oncologists suggest that paying attention to your daily lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of suffering from ovarian cancer. This article sheds light on a list of home remedies that you can opt for to better manage or altogether avoid ovarian cancer symptoms.

Foods to eat
Good nutrition is one of the best home remedies for ovarian cancer. Adding foods rich in particular nutrients can help fight the growing ovarian cancer by inhibiting the replication of malignant cells. The following foods strengthen the immune system and weaken tumor growth, allowing conventional therapies like chemotherapy and immunotherapy to destroy cancer cells faster.

  • Garlic
    Garlic is widely used for adding flavor to food. However, garlic is also known for its anti-cancer properties. Garlic contains abundant nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin C, and selenium that can fight cancer cells. Garlic also contains an organosulfur called S-allyl cysteine (SAC), which can induce apoptosis (cell suicide) in ovarian cancer cells.
  • Grapes
    Grapes contain an antioxidant called resveratrol that blocks the formation of ovarian cancer cells in the lymphatic system. It has been observed that the risk of metastasis of ovarian cancer can be reduced by adding foods rich in resveratrol. Black and purple grapes have more amount of cancer-fighting resveratrol than green grapes. Hence, this can be one of the most effective home remedies for women who have ovarian cancer.
  • Onions
    Onions contain quercetin, an antioxidant that helps fight cancer by lowering inflammation in the body. In high concentration at a cellular level, quercetin can induce apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells.
  • Turmeric
    Turmeric has been in use since a long time in tropical areas. The spice gives color and also contains a powerful antioxidant called curcumin. It has been observed that curcumin can inhibit tumor growth by cutting blood supply. However, it is crucial to seek a doctor’s recommendation before using it as a home remedy for ovarian cancer, as some studies suggest that turmeric may interfere with specific chemotherapy treatments.
  • Vitamin D
    Vitamin D has been known to prevent and assist in certain cancer treatments, including ovarian cancer. Vitamin D can be found in foods like green leafy vegetables, broccoli, salmon, sardines, beef liver, and fortified cereals.

Foods to avoid
Adding only nutritious foods to your meals may not be a sufficient home remedy for ovarian cancer. It is equally crucial to exclude certain foods which aggravate cancer growth from daily meals. Prolonged consumption of these foods can worsen ovarian cancer symptoms, increasing the risk of metastasis.

  • Processed foods
    Packaged foods contain preservatives, taste enhancers, and additives that increase the shelf life of the food. The ingredients might make the food tastier and increase its longevity, but they can increase the risk of suffering from ovarian cancer.
  • Dairy products
    Although dairy products are a good source of calcium, the consumption of common full-fat dairy products, including milk, cream, butter, and yogurt, should be limited or avoided by ovarian cancer patients. Oncologists suggest that high calcium levels can make it challenging to manage ovarian cancer symptoms.
  • Red meats
    Red meats such as beef and pork release heterocyclic amines when heated or cooked, and research suggests that this compound can aggravate symptoms of ovarian cancer. Hence, it is highly recommended to stick to healthier meat options like fresh or canned tuna, salmon, sardines, and lean poultry, including skinless turkey or chicken.
  • Artificial beverage
    Artificial beverages such as flavored or caffeinated drinks contain sugar and other additives. The added sugar may be used by cancer cells as fuel, leading to the aggravation of the disease. Hence, it is highly recommended to switch to natural fruit juices, as they are flavorful and contain abundant nutrients to help fight ovarian cancer.

Relaxation therapies
Relaxation-based movement therapies like yoga and tai chi have been used to improve the response of ongoing treatments. It has been observed that performing these relaxation-based movement exercises can reduce the anxiety and stress caused due to ovarian cancer treatment. It can also lower fatigue and depression associated with cancer treatment. However, it is essential to know that relying only on these home remedies will not treat ovarian cancer. These remedies may only assist in helping the patient feel relaxed and increase the tolerance towards the ongoing treatment.

Lifestyle change is one of the most critical factors and an effective home remedy to treat terminal conditions like ovarian cancer. It may not be beneficial to add or exclude foods from meals merely. Exercises as simple as walking can keep the metabolism active and regulate blood circulation in the body. The improved blood circulation also helps transport nutrients to the remotest parts of the body, thus improving the immune system. An enhanced immune system combined with conventional treatment can destroy cancer cells much faster and keep the patient healthy even during the treatment.

While these home remedies can help better manage ovarian cancer, certain treatment options are used to stop the same growth; one such option is Keytruda® or pembrolizumab. It is a form of immunotherapy used for treating ovarian cancer. The treatment works by improving the patient’s immune system and specifically targeting and destroying cancer cells. Keytruda® is administered intravenously every 21 days. Other options such as Lenvima® or lenvatinib are available in capsules used for treating ovarian cancer. The intensity of dosage is decided by the severity of the disease.