Parkinson’s disease – Signs, foods to eat, and treatment options

Parkinson’s disease – Signs, foods to eat, and treatment options

The early signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be subtle enough and can be easily overlooked by those suffering or those around the patient. It is, therefore, essential to spread awareness about the condition. Knowing the signs and conditions can help with timely treatment. Attention plays a crucial role in early detection, treatment, and ultimately in Parkinson’s relief options. Here are some signs and symptoms that should not be overlooked:

Tremors are one of the most distinguishable early signs of Parkinson’s disorder. The initiation is with slight twitching of hands, thumbs, fingers, and/or chin. The tremors caused as a result of the onset of Parkinson’s are often referred to as “rest tremors.” This is because tremors are usually experienced by patients while they are resting. As the condition progresses, the intensity of the tremors also progresses.

Loss of smell
Loss of smell or olfactory dysfunction is yet another early symptom of Parkinson’s. Although this symptom is not related to any motor function, it is one of the signs that can appear years before the onset of the disorder. People that go through olfactory dysfunction experience permanent dulling of senses. This is different from the loss of smell or stuffiness experienced during cold or flu. With Parkinson’s, the sense of smell dulls down, and individuals can experience difficulty in identifying odors.

Slow movement
Stiffness of limbs can be a common occurrence in people for various reasons. However, after a while, it tends to go away when the person is active again. If the stiffness remains for a prolonged time and does not go away even after adapting to an active lifestyle, it can be an indication of Parkinson’s disease. The stiffness in Parkinson’s is often accompanied by an inability to move freely and quickly. The slowing down of the body is medically known as bradykinesia.

Apart from the signs mentioned above, some other early signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include changes in facial expressions, changes in an individual’s posture, handwriting growing smaller, and/or difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

Awareness about any health condition is vital to help cure or tackle it during the early stages. Moreover, equal importance should be given to lifestyle and food choices. Here are some foods that can help people who have or might be developing Parkinson’s disease:

Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the superfoods that benefit people across all walks of life. Fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines are high in omega-3 content, which is why professionals recommend them. Omega-3 is a good quality fat; it helps improve cognitive impairment in patients. As a result, it is excellent for those with degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s. The intensity of symptoms like confusion, loss of movement control, dementia, and tremors can lessen with this compound, making it one of the key inclusions in Parkinson’s relief options. Vegetarians can get omega-3 from chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts.

Green tea
Green tea is one of the most antioxidant-rich drinks in everyone’s pantry. The beverage has risen in rank and has speedily reached the top drink for a healthy yet tasty mid-day beverage. It has proven to be an asset in the war against various health conditions, including cardiac issues, diabetes, and kidney and liver-related conditions. However, its not-so-common benefit is for mental wellbeing. A cup of this hot beverage is known to do wonders for self-care. In fact, in 2016, a study published in the CNS Neurological Disorder-Drug Targets journal claimed that the beverage plays a part in slowing down the progression of Parkinson’s.

Fava beans
It might not be one of the tastier vegetables out there, but it surely is one of the healthier ones. The fava plant is known to contain a chemical that is often used to treat Parkinson’s. This chemical is known as levodopa and is a dopamine-replacement chemical that mimics the activity of dopamine. Although there is a lack of substantial amount of studies, the existing research suggests the plant contains more than just levodopa. Although the compounds in this are yet to be discovered, it is for sure that fava beans are one of the crucial ingredients in Parkinson’s relief options.

Fruits are high in antioxidants, especially berries. This antioxidant content enables the body to fight off oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. Oxidative stress is known to be higher than normal in conditions such as Parkinson’s. Additionally, they help maintain a healthy immune system and healthy cells.

Food plays an important role in the treatment and management of various health conditions. However, it is not prudent to rely on food alone. If anyone is experiencing any of the above signs, it is important to get things checked by a health care expert. There are medications available that can also help improve or maintain the condition and slow down the progression of Parkinson’s.

Tolcapone (Tasmar)
Another Parkinson’s relief option includes Tolacpone, branded under Tamar. Tolcapone is a compound that helps the body inhibit the function of catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT). COMT is an enzyme that prohibits levodopa-carbidopa or dopamine from reaching the brain, making it difficult to function normally. On the other hand, Tolcapone helps in the treatment by increasing the functionality of levodopa and decreasing the effect of COMT.

Entacapone (Comtan)
Entacapone, commercially manufactured under Comtan, is yet another oral medication for Parkinson’s relief. Like Tolcapone, Entacapone works by inhibiting the impact of COMT, making it easier for levodopa to reach the brain. Entacapone can be used as a combination therapy along with other medications for the condition. It is also helpful in improving the motor functions of the patients.

Opicapone (Ongentys)
Ongentys is an oral medication that contains Opicapone. It can be used with levodopa-carbidopa, a dopamine replacer, and is used as the primary line of treatment for Parkinson’s. Like the above two medications, Ongentys or Opicapone also helps by improving the efficacy of levodopa and, in turn, helps the improve brain function of the patients, making it a crucial part of Parkinson’s relief options.