Symptoms, Precautions, and Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease

Symptoms, Precautions, and Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease

The number of kidney patients has increased by the time because of various lifestyle issues. In chronic kidney diseases, the organ cannot function the way it is naturally supposed to. It is neither considered as kidney failure nor fully functional. A moderate problem occurs in the glomerular filtration rate known as GFR, which leads to chronic kidney disease. However, at this particular stage, the necessity to transplant a kidney or undergo dialysis treatment is not operational. It is better to detect as early as possible so that medication and proper diet control can prevent the disease to increase further.

What are the primary symptoms?
People suffering from chronic kidney disease may get alarmed with specific symptoms. Some significant warning signs listed below-

  • Excessive fluid retention
    The loss of protein is higher through urine, and that is the reason why kidneys can’t determine the amount of fluid that should retain. This malfunction of kidney results in fluid retention. When your feet and legs begin to swell and your regular size shoes do not fit, and you feel immense pain in legs, then storage of fluid is the cause.
  • Fatigue
    People suffering from chronic kidney disease will often complain about fatigue. Their stamina decreases and the patient develops anemia because of the fatigue felt throughout day and night.
  • High blood pressure issues
    Mostly patients who have high blood pressure develop kidney disease. In fact, the vice versa phenomenon noticed in CKD patients. 50 to 75 % of patients complain of high blood pressure which diagnosed CKD recently.
  • Urine symptoms
    An acidic or foamy substance noticed in the urine when blood cells or protein is present. Frequent urination or urge to go on a short period is the primary symptom of CKD.
  • Back pain
    Constant pressure and strain on the back side of the abdomen and complains to find difficult to lie on the back.

What are the risk factors involved?
When a patient is suffering from chronic kidney disease, it is essential to explain the risk factors involved. When risks are explained and precautions are determined by the patient, it becomes easier to treat CKD. Here are some points which include risk factors-

  • Cardiovascular problems
    In this case of CKD, the chances of developing a cardiovascular disease is higher. It is necessary to decline the percentage of GFR and proteinuria from the blood or else heart is at risk.
  • Puts pressure on other organs
    The liver, stomach, and other organs are at risk because they function in a chain.

How to prevent chronic kidney disease?
You can prevent Chronic Kidney Disease by following three ways-

  • A kidney-friendly diet which contains no protein or phosphorus rich contents is necessary to comply. It consists of the right amount of calories, i.e., no extra fatty food or acidic preparations. Overweight patients are strictly advised to lose some weight. Milk, cheese, seeds, beans, and ice cream are some food items that a patient should avoid. Therefore, high potassium foods such as avocados, nuts, potatoes, bananas, honeydew and legumes all are necessary to prevent. Protein foods which do not contain potassium and phosphorus are healthy.
  • Medication requirement on a regular basis necessary to focus. At stage 3, you need to follow a routine blood test to keep an eye on the creatinine levels. On the other hand, you should consume drugs prescribed by the physician timely to avoid later destruction of the kidney function.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption wholly banned in case of chronic kidney disease. A moderate exercise on regular terms advised so that further depletion of the kidneys prevents.

The treatment of chronic kidney disease is a long-term process. This can  include a combination of prescriptions primarily given to manage blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol levels. Some changes in daily nutrition and lifestyle habits will also help relieve the pressure on the kidneys to purify blood for circulation. The main objective of CKD treatment is to slow down the progression of organ deterioration and prevent complete kidney failure.

In most cases, one has to go through the dialysis process. If the kidneys are been severely damaged, then one has to opt for a kidney transplant. The treatment is for a lifetime even if stage 2 or 1 achieved. Kidneys by the age start showing adverse symptoms, and one should keep a check on the urine.