This new year, discover the new you with Invisalign

This new year, discover the new you with Invisalign

Your pearly whites are the first thing that people notice when you flash that smile confidently. But if you are self-conscious about your teeth, that confidence goes right out the window. So, what if you could get the help you need without worrying about how braces would look or feel? This new year, it’s time to reinvent yourself, and what better place to start than with your smile?

Get healthy and picture-perfect teeth
If the thought of stained brackets or sharp, wired braces makes you shudder and puts you off teeth alignment, don’t be disheartened.

Invisalign aligners are designed for the future. Their optical clarity makes them virtually invisible and discreet in appearance. Easily removable, they provide minimal discomfort during adjustments and are completely non-intrusive. All Invisalign treatments are guided by expert orthodontists. Each set is custom-made and designed using advanced mapping software ClinCheck® and iTero Element® scanning technology that seamlessly blends in with your beauty and schedule.

Along with straightening, Invisalign’s Opalescence technology also whitens your teeth professionally and gives them a radiant shine. Not only that, unlike traditional braces that can take up to three years to produce results, you can expect your Invisalign treatment to culminate in as little as 6 months.

Straight teeth lower the risk of tooth decay by eliminating plaque, bacteria, and food particles. Dental crowding, on the other hand, is more vulnerable to gum disease and jaw joint damage. So, the aligners also provide a host of health benefits – aligning your teeth can directly lead to improved oral health.

Ease of use
You can wear and remove these detachable aligners with absolute ease. They are convenient to pack, carry, and maintain even on the go.

Virtually Invisible
Invisalign aligners are transparent and discreet, so you don’t have to worry about them being prominent and visible to everyone when you wear them.

Highly Customizable
Made from high-quality materials and designed using advanced technology like 3D mapping, makes the aligners fully customized to individual needs.