Types of cancer surgery and tips to prepare

Types of cancer surgery and tips to prepare

Doctors treat cancer using various methods, one of which is surgery. Depending on where the cancer is located, what stage it is at, and how much it has spread, a specific type of surgery may be recommended to manage or prevent the condition. Depending on the situation, the expert may sometimes even perform multiple surgeries. Knowing the different types of surgeries can help patients stay prepared and cope better in the long term.

Types of cancer surgery

Diagnostic surgery
Diagnostic surgery, as the name suggests, is used to diagnose cancer. When doctors need to find out if certain cells are cancerous, they use this surgery. It involves removing and testing a small tissue to confirm or rule out the diagnosis. The tests carried out on the tissue also help doctors identify the type of cancer and its stage.

Staging surgery
Staging surgery helps doctors determine how far the cancer has spread. It involves examining the cancer-affected parts of the body and its surrounding organs. In laparoscopy, a type of staging surgery, doctors use a small viewing tube with a camera for examination.

Preventive surgery
Doctors use preventive surgery to remove any tissue that is not cancerous but can develop into a cancerous tumor. One of the most common examples of preventive surgery is the removal of polyps from the colon. It is important to note that preventive surgery can reduce cancer risk but cannot assure complete prevention.

Curative surgery
Curative surgery is usually considered the primary treatment as it is done when the cancer is in its early stage. The procedure involves removing the cancerous tumor or growth. It is important to note that doctors can only use this surgery when the cancer is limited to one specific part of the body.

Debulking surgery
Doctors use debulking surgery to remove a part of the cancerous tumor and reduce its bulk. This procedure is useful if removing the entire tumor poses a risk of damaging other organs in the body.

Tips to prepare for cancer surgery

Talk to the doctor
Before the surgery, a patient should talk to the doctor and ask everything they wish to know about the procedure. They can also talk to a nurse in the hospital. Asking questions can help one stay better prepared for the surgery.

Stay informed about what to do
Individuals must also ask the doctor what they must do before and after the surgery. One can even ask the medical professionals what to expect once the procedure ends.

Try relaxation techniques
Trying relaxation techniques, such as meditating and listening to relaxing music, can help one cope with stress before the surgery. Talking to a close friend or family member can  also  help patients stay calm.