Healthy foods for osteoporosis management
Healthy foods for osteoporosis management

Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disorder that results in the premature deterioration of healthy bones. In this condition, the rate of bone deterioration is higher than regeneration. Bone disorders like osteoporosis cause fractures, mainly due to weak bones among older adults and post-menopausal women. However, one can manage the condition by having certain foods, medications, and supplements that promote bone health.

Green vegetables
Green vegetables, including collard, turnip, dandelion, mustard, and beet greens, are rich in calcium and magnesium. On the other hand, dark leafy greens, including kale, spinach, and Brussels sprouts, are loaded with a healthy portion of calcium and vitamin K. These veggies are also rich in fiber that helps stimulate hormone production necessary for the bone-building process.

Colored vegetables
All colored veggies are rich sources of magnesium, potassium, and essential folates that counter bone deterioration. Potassium helps neutralize the effects of acid on bone health, while magnesium helps maintain bone mineral density. Healthy colored veggies include okra, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, plantains, and artichokes. Red and green peppers are also excellent as they supplement vitamin C that helps build collagen, one of the foundation materials for bone density formation.

Sea vegetables
Sea veggies are packed with several nutrients that help build healthy bones. Kelp, kombu, nori, and wakame are loaded with magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. When combined, these nutrients help contribute to bone mineral density formation. However, for the best benefits, one should source sea vegetables from the highest quality vendors who practice sustainable farming.

Fresh fruits
Fruits are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, lutein, beta carotene, and vitamin E. Popular options like cherries, blueberries, strawberries, and guavas help combat oxidative stress, activate the bone-building cells, and aid in the mineralization process to promote bone health. Oranges and grapefruits are excellent vitamin C options. Dried figs, raisins, apricots, and prunes are recommended for severe symptoms. Prunes, mainly, are rich in boron, a mineral that has been proven pretty useful for osteoporosis symptoms management. It is also effective in promoting bone mineral density formation among women after menopause.

Many seafood items are loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats that help protect bone mineral density. Popular calcium and vitamin D options include tuna, sardines, salmon, and mackerel. Research suggests that men and women who have at least three servings of fatty fish per week show better bone mineral density than those who eliminate seafood from their food regimen.

Protein sources
Protein is one of the essential nutrients that help build healthy bones. Since bones are a musculoskeletal structure, protein makes up nearly 50 percent of the total bone volume and accounts for a third of its mass. It triggers IGF-1 levels, a crucial hormone for bone density, healing, and muscle growth, and increases calcium absorption rate. Seafood and meats are top protein sources, but this nutrient can also be acquired from plant-based options like quinoa, buckwheat, chia, and hemp seeds.

Dairy is one of the richest sources of complex nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, magnesium, and protein. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are some of the top choices. However, if someone is lactose intolerant, soy-based alternatives like soy milk can help supplement the daily requirements to a certain extent. Also, it is better to consider organic low-fat milk products over full-fat creamy dairy.

Vegan foods
Since vegans cannot eat dairy, fortified soy, rice, oats, tofu, tahini, sesame seeds, and specific pulses are good sources of calcium necessary for bone health. Since there are fewer vitamin D-rich vegan foods, this requirement can be compensated with supplements as advised by a certified nutritionist.

Foods fortified with vitamin D
Certain breakfast cereals, bread, and baked snacks from the local supermarket are fortified with vitamin D. It is one of the top minerals that helps the body absorb calcium better from natural foods and supplements. Even orange juice is fortified with vitamins C and D.

Foods to avoid
While it is necessary to have foods that promote bone health, eliminating a few can also help manage the known symptoms of osteoporosis. Salty foods, processed foods picked from the shelves of supermarkets, certain legumes, caffeinated beverages, and alcohol must be avoided to promote a better outlook.

Medications for osteoporosis management
Changes in food habits are beneficial in the long run. However, certain prescription medications like the following help manage the symptoms of osteoporosis better among older adults and women experiencing menopause:

Prolia® for osteoporosis helps by providing targeted treatment, preventing the development of bone-removal cells. The injection belongs to a class of medications that reduce bone resorption by blocking osteoclast maturation. Women suffering from osteoporosis post menopause can benefit from the medication in the long run. Prolia® is also pretty effective among men with a high risk of bone fracture due to the condition.

Where Prolia osteoporosis helps inhibit the cells that cause bone deterioration, Evenity® both helps slow down the process of bone removal and simultaneously promotes bone cell regeneration. This injection primarily belongs to a class of anabolics. Anabolics are known as bone builders that enable the body to unlock natural bone density formation.

Fosamax® belongs to a class of medications known as bisphosphonates that trigger a slower turnover of bone removal and rejuvenation. Fosamax® is available as an oral prescription for daily or weekly doses as instructed by the consulting medical professional. Studies indicate that bisphosphonate medications reduce the risk of fractures common among osteoporosis patients by nearly 60 percent.

Romosozumab bone strengthening for osteoporosis
Romosozumab is marketed under the brand name Evenity®. This prescription is mainly suggested for women with osteoporosis after menopause. The injection combines both antiresorptives and anabolics, two of the common osteoporosis treatments to lower the risk of fracture post these hormonal changes. Evenity® helps slow down the bone removal process and simultaneously stimulates new bone cell formation for better bone density and health.