Nubeqa for prostate cancer – Here’s what one should know

Nubeqa for prostate cancer – Here’s what one should know

The prostate gland produces seminal fluid that helps nourish and transport sperm. Prostate cancer refers to cancerous growth in this gland. This condition progresses gradually and is initially confined to the prostate, but if it’s not diagnosed and treated promptly, it can start spreading. Early treatment is the best way to facilitate recovery. An intervention many oncologists recommend to curb prostate cancer growth is Nubeqa, an FDA-approved prescription remedy for non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC). Understanding non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer In this stage of prostate cancer, the cancerous cells are still confined to the prostate, which means they haven’t begun spreading to other organs. But they have stopped responding to treatments aimed at lowering testosterone levels. So, unlike early-stage prostate cancer, which requires testosterone to grow, the cancer cells in the nmCRPC stage continue growing despite external efforts to reduce these levels. If left untreated, the condition may escalate to the metastatic type, wherein cancerous cells may begin spreading to the lymph nodes, bones, etc. Treating prostate cancer at the nmCRPC stage helps increase the chances of recovery. Mechanism of action of Nubeqa This FDA-approved prescription treatment, also called darolutamide, is a type of androgen receptor inhibitor. When prescribing Nubeqa, health experts check for two main criteria.