10 foods that can help reduce the risk of cancer
10 foods that can help reduce the risk of cancer

You are what you eat. People may say otherwise, but the quality of food you eat defines your health. Therefore, you should not opt for ready-to-eat meals, as they contain unhealthy fats, carbs, and calories. Foods high in these things can also contribute to increased chances of various diseases like cancer. As cancer and lifestyle go hand-in-hand, eating certain foods that assure better overall health is essential. Read on to know what you should include in your daily meals.

Broccoli and the other vegetables of this family are known for having potent anti-cancer properties. They contain glucosinolates, which produce protective enzymes when they pass through the digestive system. These enzymes help the body detoxify harmful chemicals that can lower the risk of cancer. Broccoli is also best known for being a vegetable that has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It has proven effective against breast, prostate, lung, colon, mouth, esophagus, and stomach cancer. Try and eat broccoli at least once a day.

Carrot is replete with nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin K, and calcium. This vegetable also has cancer-fighting properties. It is a good source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that shields cell membranes from toxin damage. Carrots are believed to slow the growth of cancer cells. This vegetable also contains falcarinol, a natural pesticide that negates the effect of toxins in the body. Include a few pieces of diced carrots in your salad.

Kale is a rich source of antioxidants and has several other rich compounds such as vitamin A, B1, B6, C, K, and minerals like copper, manganese, and calcium. Kale also has powerful healing properties. Kale is an antiseptic that is considered a strong firewall against prostate cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer.

Flaxseed is a high-fiber food that is good for the heart. It is also a rich source of omega-3 that is known to improve brain cells health. Additionally, flaxseeds are also a cancer-fighting food. It is proven that eating 35 grams of flaxseed reduces the risk of tumor growth in the prostate. Flaxseed can decrease the level of estrogens in the body, which is linked to cancer prevention.

Turmeric is a spice commonly used in Asian cuisines and is tremendously popular for having unique medicinal abilities. From curing a common cold to treating small wounds, turmeric is often promoted as an alternative treatment. It is loaded with a chemical called curcumin that has anti-inflammatory properties. This chemical seems to prevent cancer cells from growing. It can help prevent breast cancer, bowel cancer, and skin cancer.

Olive oil
Olive oil is rich in oleocanthal, antioxidants, and certain anti-cancer acids. Studies have shown that extra virgin olive oil penetrates the membrane of cancer cells, making them inactive or benign. Healthy consumption of olives and olive oil may help prevent breast and digestive tract cancers.

Tomatoes have various nutritional benefits. According to some experts, tomatoes are a cancer-fighting superfood. They contain lycopene, an antioxidant phytochemical that keeps away heart diseases. Tomatoes are also a rich source of vitamin A, C, and E, all nutrients that ward off cancer. Add a few slices of freshly cut cherry tomatoes to your pasta, sandwich, or salad.

Cinnamon can reduce blood sugar. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is known to block the spread of cancer cells. It is recommended to include 2-4 grams of cinnamon in your food every day to prevent cancer growth. In one animal study, cinnamon extracts reduced the growth and spread of tumor cells.

Citrus fruits
According to research, lemons, limes, grapefruits, oranges, and other citrus fruits decrease the risk of digestive and upper respiratory tract cancers. Further studies need to be conducted, but it is also believed that these foods can reduce the risk of pancreatic and stomach cancers. Replace fried snacks with these fruits to get a healthy dose of citrus daily.

Garlic contains an active compound called allicin, which is known to have anti-cancer properties. One study concluded that people who ate a large number of allicin vegetables like garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots had a lower risk of stomach cancer. Try to include 2-5 grams (or one clove) of garlic in your meals daily to prevent cancerous growth.

Most later stages of cancer have no cure, making it one of the leading causes of death in the world. Hence, there is constant research to find the right treatment. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is one cancer relief option. The immune system’s main function is to keep track, raise the alarm, or attack any foreign substances that enter the body. CAR T-cell therapy is a method wherein the immune cells are genetically modified in a lab to attack the cancer cells. This process is sometimes also called cell-based gene therapy since it involves altering T-cells to keep away cancer. CAR T-cell is a cancer relief option that is helpful when other treatments have been ineffective.

Additionally, there are certain medications that are known to be effective against cancer.

LUMAKRAS™ (sotorasib)
A recommended dose of 960mg must be administered orally once daily. LUMAKRAS™ can also be taken with or without food and must be administered at the same time each day. A single bottle of the medication contains 240 tablets. The dosage is generally administered in adult patients with KRAS G12C mutation. It is also given to those affected by metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. The treatment also requires at least one previous systemic therapy.

There are BTK inhibitors that help in alleviating cancer symptoms. The inhibitors inhibit the enzyme BTK, which is a major part of the B-cell receptor signaling pathway. B-cell leukemias and lymphomas use B-cell receptors to grow and survive. So the purpose of a BTK inhibitor is to obstruct said signals and eliminate any cancerous cells. Here are three inhibitors that you can consider. They should be administered following a doctor’s prescription.

IMBRUVICA® (ibrutinib)
IMBRUVICA® is an oral medication. One must ensure to take them at the same time each day with a glass of water. The blister pack contains 28 tablets (a four-week supply). As for its dosage, speak to your doctor before taking any amount of capsules.

Neulasta® Onpro®
Neulasta® is capable of automatically delivering your daily dose at the right time, a day after chemotherapy. The on-body injector is applied to your skin and delivered to you over 45 minutes. After the dosage is complete, you can remove the injector and dispose of it safely.

VENCLEXTA (venetoclax)
VENCLEXTA is a prescription medication used in the treatment of adults with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). It is also used in those with small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). The tablets come in 10mg, 50mg, or 100mg doses and must be administered only after receiving a prescription from a doctor.

In some cases, certain treatments like BCMA (B-cell maturation antigen) targeted therapy can be used for better management of cancers like multiple myeloma.

BCMA-targeted therapy for multiple myeloma is being extensively used to treat cancer patients. The therapy works by blocking the BCMA protein. It involves three modes of treatment. All three treatment methods have been known to be highly effective in patients suffering from relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. BCMA-targeted therapy is often suggested for patients who do not respond to other treatment methods.

Another treatment method for cancer is immunotherapy. This type of therapy is typically infusion based. It aims to energize the immune system to fight the cancer cells present in the body. Immunotherapy is relatively a recent treatment option developed to treat cancer. It is unlike chemotherapy, which kills normal cells and malignant (cancerous) cells. Instead immunotherapy has less severe side effects and boosts T-cells and lymphocytes that identify and kill cancerous cells.

Xofigo® (radium Ra 223 dichloride) is a revolutionary treatment for prostate cancer. It is a form of internal radiotherapy for cancer that begins in the prostate and then spreads to the bone. Xofigo® is known to kill cancer cells in more than one area of the bone. By doing so, Xofigo® radium 223 cancer treatment reduces symptoms like pain, improving the quality of life among prostate cancer patients.